Wang Yuxiang

Class of: 1997
Nationality: Chinese
Degree course: Fine Arts - Painting

Master of Arts in Painting (DASL01)- RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts

Bachelor of Arts in Painting (DAPL01) – RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts

Wang Yuxiang was born in 1997 in Anhui, China.
His works are on permanent display in public and institutional venues. His research focuses on the fusion of Mediterranean and Oriental cultures of origin through the use of simple materials and an apparently concise visual language. Time, history, and memory are the conceptual leitmotifs that guide his work; the artist distances himself from the place where he intervenes in order to analyse its particularities, restoring them through site-specific visual architectures. Influenced by deconstructionism, he starts a preliminary research and study on the context in order to intervene on it later. The themes explored include the promotion of equality in contemporary art, deconstruction of the context, reflection on hidden violence and rights in aesthetics and the social landscape, and analysis of the feasibility and practicalities of protecting cultural heritage. His training, which began in his birthplace and was implemented during his stays and long journeys, allows him to combine his research with a consideration of cultural diversity and Western centrism in the context of globalisation.
Le sue opere sono in esposizione permanente in luoghi pubblici e istituzionali: PRAC – Centro per l’arte contemporanea, Ponzano Romano;;Shanxi Contemporary Art Museum. Taiyuan,Cina; Festival l’arte contemporanea Vacunalia,Vacone (RI);l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Città del Messico, Messico.

See the portfolio