The sixth RUFA annual report presents the two-year period 2020-2021 as a single temporal unit, the time of COVID-19, the narrative of a year made up of 24 months and 320 pages, the most voluminous academic report to date. The volume, introduced by a sextodecimo with images of projects focusing on the pandemic, consists of seven sections, plus an insert on the RUFA contest in fieri. The graphic, photographic and illustrative choices respond to the horror vacui generated by the pandemic and recall the artifices, physical or digital filters, that society has chosen to adopt as tools to stem the contagion. The variety and saturation of the chromatic tones serves as a sort of artistic compensation: having lost the warmth (human, relational, vital), we return it and compensate it in the form of color.

The photographic project on the first pages presents portraits of people with leading roles within the Academy who interact symbolically and playfully with a physical Plexigas filter often used in academic premises.
The illustration project introducing each course of study, on the other hand, pays tribute to the great international personalities who passed away over these two years, leaving a great legacy through their work to the students and creatives of today.
The choice of typeface, which incorporates many emoji within the stylistic set, the type composition and layout refer directly to the modes and practices of digital devices, to which we have been and still are overexposed every day.
The photo project presenting the RUFA staff also evokes attitudes and moments of life that we all experienced during the pandemic period, ironically mocking the collaboration of the academic team.
Editorial project
Guido Lombardo
Nicolas Martino
Cristiana Pagnottelli
Content supervisor
Fabio Mongelli
Intorno Design
Guido Lombardo
creative direction
Roberta De Cristofaro
art direction and layout
Fabrizio Crollari
erasmus map, staff pages
Cristiana Pagnottelli
Illustrations “Homage to”
Francesco Fidani
Portrait Photo
Stefano Compagnucci
Maria Vittoria Pecchioli
Christian Rizzo
Text Editor
Nicolas Martino
Contents translator
Claudia Vitali
Visual Content Editors
Lisa Romanato
Luca Santarelli
Francesco Paolo Incantalupo
Martina Marabitti
Daniele Bonomo
Emanuele Cappelli
Maria Chiara Castelli
Pietro Ciccotti
Emiliano Coletta
Michele Fontana Sabatini
Luciano Hassan
Gianluca Losi
Nicolas Martino
Alessandro Mongelli
Alfio Mongelli
Fabio Mongelli
Michele Palazzi
Melany Parasole
Carlo Privitera
Mario Rullo
Caterina Tomeo
Andres Rafael Zabala
Photo contributors
Claudia Rolando
Marta Ferro
Micheal Trutta
Stefano Scala
Tommaso Schirru
Thanks to
All RUFA offices
GT Maru
Thierry Blancpain, 2021
Grilli Type foundry
Printed on
Favini papers
Burano giallo zolfo 250 g/m2
Burano giallo zolfo 140 g/m2
Dolce Vita White 145 g/m2
Burano pink 140 g/m2
Shooting book
Eleonora Cerri Pecorella
The RUFA Annual Report 2020&2021 was realised thanks to the valuable contribution of Favini papers division and Tiburtini Srl, who respectively provided the paper and printed the publication.