
RUFAlumni is the community of artists and professionals who graduated from RUFA, united by shared experiences and common values.

A community that aims to share experiences, projects, and skills while maintaining an ongoing dialogue between graduates, students, and faculty, along with the many partners with whom the Academy regularly collaborates. RUFA Alumni are invited to events and initiatives organised by the Academy, to take part in RUFAlumni Showcase and RUFA Culture, where they can exhibit and screen their artistic and professional works. Alumni can also join the Mentorship Programme to support graduating students and recent graduates, apply for teaching and workshop opportunities, and benefit from various services such as the RUFA Career System.

All RUFA Alumni can also participate in the annual Career Day, a unique opportunity to connect with companies, communication agencies, studios, production houses, and design firms.

RUFAlumni Showcase

RUFAlumni Showcase is an opportunity to explore the talent within our community and support the artistic journey of young creatives in constant evolution. Three times a year, for five days, RUFA hosts Alumni projects. Submit your application (individual or group) with a presentation and supporting materials. An internal commission will evaluate the proposals.
For more information, contact


RUFA Mentorship

The RUFA Mentorship programme builds a bridge between experienced Alumni (mentors) and graduating students/recent graduates (mentees). Each mentor meets their assigned mentee to share their experience and guide them through the early stages of their career. A unique opportunity for growth and networking.
To participate, submit your application with a short presentation.


Become a mentor or mentee


RUFA Career System

The Academy supports job market integration through internships and placements, allowing Alumni to seek collaboration and job opportunities with partner companies. To facilitate this, RUFA has developed a portal to connect job supply and demand: the RUFA Career System. Through this job-matching platform, RUFA students and Alumni can browse and apply for internships and job listings relevant to their field of study while keeping their CV and portfolio updated.

RUFA Career Day

The RUFA Career Day is a networking event dedicated to RUFA students and Alumni, helping them connect with the professional world. This annual event provides the opportunity to meet companies, design studios, galleries, and professionals from their sector, who share internship (including extracurricular), job, and collaboration opportunities. During the event, participants can interact with industry representatives, present their portfolio/reel, and receive valuable feedback. The goal is to support the artistic and professional aspirations of RUFA students and Alumni.




























Join our community of talented individuals!

Send us:

• Your course and Diploma year;
• Your photo;
• Your year of birth;
• Your country of residence;
• Your short biography;
• Your portfolio (PDF format, max 2MB).

Fill in the form and we will publish
your profile among the RUFA Alumni.


Fill in this form to be contacted as soon as possible. Please specify the area of activity for which you are writing.

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    Dichiaro di aver conseguito il diploma da almeno 3 anni.*

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    Accetto di ricevere altre comunicazioni da RUFA Rome University of Fine Arts (es. Borse di studio, eventi e workshop). / I agree to receive other communications from RUFA Rome University of Fine Arts (e.g., Scholarships, events and workshops).