Organs of the institution
Lect. Alfio Mongelli
Archt. Fabio Mongelli
Chief Executive Officer
Melany Parasole
Board of Directors
Alessandro Mongelli – President
Fabio Mongelli
Alessandro Montel
Carlo Privitera
Melany Parasole
Margherita Giovanardi
Davide Gerosa
Archt. Fabio Mongelli
Lect. Alfio Mongelli
Lect. Christian Angeli
Lect. Luigi Iacobelli
Lect. Enrico Parisio
Alessandra Florea
Alex-Dan Zaharia
The Academic Council consists of an odd number of members, in relation to the organisational and financial size of the institution.
The members of the Academic Council include, in addition to the Director who chairs it
Lecturers of the institution elected by the teaching staff;
Two students nominated by the student council.
It determines the plan and programming of teaching, scientific, artistic and research activities, taking into account the budget availability for the financial year in question.
It ensures the monitoring and control of teaching, scientific, artistic and research activities, taking into account the budget availability for the financial year in question.
D.D. Appointment of three-year lecturers 2022-2023-2024
Minutes of the counting of the academic council elections
Resolution of student council members
The RUFA Evaluation Board was established by resolution of the Board of Directors on 17th December 2012 and is composed of:
Dr. Roberto Morese
External expert
Ing. Alessandro Lepori
Internal Members
Lect. Alessio Cremisini
The RUFA Assessment Board is the body necessary to the Academy’s founding in pursuance of article 4, comma 1 letter f) of regulations governing criteria pertaining to the statutory, regulatory and organizational autonomy of artistic and musical Institutes, as set out under Presidential Decree n. 132 dated February 28, 2003, and incorporated into the Academy’s Statute of Autonomy under article 11, which is reproduced below.
The Academy shall adopt an internal system of assessment of taught activities and research, of interventions in support of the right to study and administrative management in compliance with procedures described under Quality Management System UNI ENISO 9001:2008 and ministerial regulations currently in force.
The aforementioned assessment functions shall be carried out by a collegial body known as the Assessment Board, appointed by the Director after having consulted with the Academic Board.
The Academy guarantees the Assessment Board the right to access necessary data and information and the publication and diffusion of deeds in compliance with regulations governing the protection of privacy.
For the purposes of ensuring adequate data for statistical surveys, the Academy shall annually monitor data pertaining to the enrolment and careers of students and the entry of graduates into the workplace. It shall ask students to complete questionnaires evaluating individual areas of study, additional activities and general services, in addition to teaching. It shall also request participating businesses/enterprises to complete questionnaires on students’ level of preparation.
The Assessment Board shall comprise 3 members having demonstrable professional experience.
The RUFA Assessment Board, in drafting its annual reports, has referred, on a trial basis, to the framework set out by the Italian National Agency for University Report NdV And Research (ANVUR), established with Law n 286 dated November 24, 2006, article 2, commas 138, 139 and 140 and regulations stated under Presidential Decree n 76 dated February 1, 2010, pertaining to the identification of general criteria for Report NdV As per article 10, comma 2, letter b) of Presidential Decree 132/03. The aforesaid overall framework, developed by a working group formed for the specific purpose, is tasked with photographing the general and detailed information held to be useful for a comparative analysis of data emerging from those institutions registered, for various reasons, under the AFAM system.
Report NdV A.Y.2013/2014Report NdV A.Y.2014/2015Report NdV A.Y.2015/2016Report NdV A.Y.2016/2017Report NdV A.Y.2017/2018Report NdV A.Y.2018/2019Report NdV A.Y.2019/2020Report NdV A.Y.2020/2021
Carletti Leonardo
Florea Alessandra
Poppa Teresa
Mattia Alongi
Zaharia Alex-dan
What is the student council
The Student Council is a group of young people dedicated to giving the student a voice to ensure that their academic experience is the best. The Members is made up of five student representatives who help everyone else on their way, meeting all the needs of the community. In this way, they can interact in the best possible way, not only to solve problems, but also to create collaboration between the various academic addresses. In addition to expressing opinions as provided for by the Statute and regulations, the Council can address requests and make proposals to the Academic Council, with particular reference to the organisation of teaching and student services.
Council RegulationD.D. Appointment of RUFA council members
List of Student Member CandidatesRepeat elections
Find out more about the student council
The board of teachers consists of the director, who chairs it, and all the teachers working at the institution;