We found 83 results for: caterina tomeo

RUFA lecturer Caterina Tomeo is one of the protagonists in the project “SONIC HERITAGE”

For the International Year of Sound 2020-2021, the Institute of Cultural Heritage Sciences of the National Research Council (ISPC-CNR), directed by Costanza Miliani, has organized the webinar “SONIC HERITAGE: Sound and Multisensory Interactions in Immersive Virtual Reality and Cultural Heritage”. The experience, curated by Angela Bellia and Eva Pietroni, will take place on Wednesday 3… Find out more

SOUND BOX, a new project for RUFA lecturer and coordinator of Multimedia arts and design Master of Arts Caterina Tomeo

A decidedly innovative project that saw, among its many protagonists, RUFA professor and coordinator of Multimedia arts and design Master of Arts Caterina Tomeo and recent graduate Daniela Gentile. On 29 December, the SOUND BOX was inaugurated in the cultural space of Pelanda, located in the Ex-Mattatoio of Testaccio in Rome: the first space entirely… Find out more

Caterina Tomeo

Caterina Tomeo is an art historian and combines her research activity with a critical and curatorial practice. She deals with Contemporary Art with a particular interest in interdisciplinarity and research in the field of New Media Art and Sonic Arts. She is coordinator of the MAD in “Multimedia Arts and Design” at RUFA – Rome… Find out more

OFF The Record x RUFA

Off The Record, in collaboration with the RUFA Department of Multimedia Arts and Design, will host an exquisitely curated three-day event in the municipality of Cerdanyola del Valles (Barcelona) from 13 to 15 June 2024, transforming the splendid villa of the Masia Cordelles into a vibrant melting pot of art, music and craftsmanship.   A… Find out more

Body architecture for kinesthetic memory – Talk con Luca Pagan

New talk at the Academy: “Body architecture for kinesthetic memory” with guest Luca Pagan, sound artist, performer and independent researcher. Curated by Caterina Tomeo, coordinator of the Master’s programme in Multimedia Arts and Design. Appointment on Wednesday 15 May 2024 at 11 a.m. in Aula Magna (G13) at the RUFA HQ at Via Giuseppe Libetta,… Find out more

Videogames as a tenth art form – Talk with Fabio Viola

For the RUFA Talk “Videogames as a tenth art form” we had as a guest Fabio Viola, one of the world’s most influential videogame designers and producers, author for public and private institutions and one of the pioneers of gamification. The appointment was on Wednesday 13 December 2023 in the Aula Magna (G13) at the… Find out more


Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Mercoledì 22 novembre si terrà la proiezione delle 10 opere audiovisive selezionate per la terza edizione di LANDSCAPE 2023, la Call internazionale a cura del collettivo Zeugma che chiama a raccolta sound artist e video artist da tutta Italia per proporre una riflessione sul vasto tema del… Find out more

Presentation of the volume “Tecnomagia. Estasi, totem e incantesimi nella cultura digitale”

We look forward to seeing you at RUFA for the presentation of Vincenzo Susca’s book, edited by RUFA REf – Romaeuropa Festival: “Tecnomagia. Estasi, totem e incantesimi nella cultura digitale“, Edizioni Mimesis, Milan 2022.   5 October 2023 at 6PM – Via degli Ausoni 7/A, Pastificio Cerere   At the height of its history, every… Find out more


RUFA students of Multimedia Arts and Design among the protagonists of the event “PORTE APERTE AL CNR: #patrimonioculturale nelle transizioni verde e digitale” with two installations at the Digital Art popup show. The artists involved: Francesca Battaglia, Martino Cassanelli, Andrea Cecconi, Lucrezia Mariotti. With the coordination of teacher Caterina Tomeo. 10-12 October 2023 – Florence,… Find out more


Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Mercoledì 17 maggio è stato proiettato in RUFA il cortometraggio “Autofonia”, realizzato della regista e studentessa di Cinema Caterina Cingolani. La coordinatrice di Multimedia Arts and Design Caterina Tomeo ha introdotto la proiezione, che è stata seguita da un dibattito aperto con l’autrice. mercoledì 17 maggio –… Find out more


Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. 3 – 31 Maggio 2023 Sound Corner / 66 Caterina Tomeo presenta Giampiero Cane / Daniela Cattivelli Postfantamusicologia, 2023   Postfantamusicologia è una creazione sonora – che fa parte di Xong collection, la collana di dischi dell’artista, prodotta da Xing – basata su testi e voce di… Find out more

Everything in Existence – Talk with Mattia Carretti

The first Talk of 2023, by coordinator Caterina Tomeo, featured Mattia Carretti, co-founder and head of general management of the firm fuse*, organization that aims to inspire and positively impact communities by harnessing the communicative power of art and the expressive potential of emerging digital technologies.   The lecture focused on the history and evolution… Find out more

Sonic Arts – Between perceptive experience and active listening

“Sonic Arts. Tra esperienza percepettiva ed ascolto attivo’ (Between perceptive experience and active listening) curated by Caterina Tomeo, at the Civic Museum of Viterbo.   The initiative – which will be held at the Museo Civico di Viterbo – stems from a 2019 editorial project of the same title, in which the curator, Caterina Tomeo,… Find out more

2020-2021 Annual report

  The sixth RUFA annual report presents the two-year period 2020-2021 as a single temporal unit, the time of COVID-19, the narrative of a year made up of 24 months and 320 pages, the most voluminous academic report to date. The volume, introduced by a sextodecimo with images of projects focusing on the pandemic, consists…

Prometheus to Videocittà

Students of Multimedia Arts and Design presented the audiovisual performance ‘Prometheus’ for the first time as part of the Videocittà Festival.   The students of the academic course in in Multimedia Arts and Design, coordinated by lecturer Caterina Tomeo, presented for the first time “Prometheus”, an audiovisual performance whose protagonists are man and technology in… Find out more

Electronic Transmutations

Lecturer Caterina Tomeo will participate in the fifth edition of the ‘Videocittà’ Festival as curator and presenter of the Talk cycle ‘Electronic Transmutations’.   Caterina Tomeo, coordinator of the Academic Course in Multimedia Arts and Design, will be among the protagonists of the Videocittà Festival of Vision – from 20 to 24 July in the… Find out more

“Sirene” is back, the podcast made in RUFA

  Start of the second season of SIRENE.PODCAST – Sounds, seductions and spells of the contemporary world.   On the anniversary of its birth, SIRENE.PODCAST will launch its new season, proposing a different way of listening and acting as a portal for the culture of sound and its interrelations with contemporary artistic languages. The name… Find out more

RUFA at Videocittà

The fifth edition of Videocittà Festival will be held from 20 to 24 July at the unique and extraordinary spaces of the Gazometro in Rome. Lecturer Caterina Tomeo will participate as curator and presenter of a cycle of talks dedicated to “electronic transmutations” and to the trespassing between different disciplinary fields, which will host leading… Find out more