Born in Avellino, in 1985, he graduated in Architecture from Sapienza University, in Rome, with honours, and moved there to live.
He is an author and editor and has written the book “V-Ray Guida Definitiva” (V-Ray: a Definitive Guidebook), and the Universo 3ds Max and Universo V-Ray columns for the Computer Graphics magazine “Tecniche & Applicazioni (CGT&A)” published by Imago Edizioni.
He was involved in the graphic design and layout of the PeriodicoMARCO magazine.
He was a speakers nationwide at the most important workshops and conferences, such as the 2012 and 2013 editions of DDD – Digital Drawing Day, the 2013 Rome Drawing Day, and the 2013 and 2014 editions of Udine 3D Forum.
He also acted as a moderator of the V-Ray section of the Forum.
He has dedicated most of his career to architecture, alongside a great passion for Computer Graphics. He also has a keen interest in Photography, which he sees as a form of expression with endless opportunities, a fundamental tool for visual research.
He collaborates with numerous architecture and photography firms, in the field of Photo-realistic 3D Graphic Restitution.
He is a teacher of the 3D Digital Architecture course at Rainbow Academy, 3D Pro at Lab Creation and Computer Graphics 2 of the Photography BA at RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts.