
RUFAlumni is the community of artists and professionals graduated in RUFA, united by a shared experience and common values.

A community that wants to share its projects, creativity and skills, in a constant dialogue between graduates, students and teachers currently in the Academy, and the many partners with whom we constantly collaborate. RUFA Alumni can participate in different activities organised at the Academy, such as Talks and cultural events. They can also take advantage of several services such as the RUFA CAREER SYSTEM, and collaborate with the University in the activities of the RUFA Culture project and the Mentorship programme.

RUFAlumni Services

RUFA Culture

RUFA Culture is the new RUFA Culture Project. It is a digital container completely dedicated to the projects of our students: contemporary art and graphic design, multimedia and visual communication, photography and design. Listen to the testimonies of our Alumni.

Talks & Workshop

RUFA offers its students an intense programme of extra-curricular activities, created and structured to serve a single purpose: to provide them with meaningful experiences and knowledge and with artistic inputs, sparking their creativity and contributing to their studies and personal growth.

Career System

It’s never too early to start working. Hundreds of students RUFA has designed and implemented a portal to connect job supply and demand. Students and graduates of the Academy have the opportunity to consult a database of companies that publish ads and to give visibility to their professional profile.

Mentorship Programme

The RUFAlumni Mentorship programme was created with the aim of creating a direct connection between long-term alumni (mentors) and newly graduated alumni (mentees). The programme involves two meetings (in-person/online) per year between mentors and mentees. Mentors are invited to share – on a voluntary basis – their experience and guide mentees in the early stages of their careers.

If you are a RUFA graduate and would like to be part of the RUFAlumni community, please fill in this form and we will contact you as soon as possible. Please specify the area of activity for which you are contacting us.

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    Accetto di ricevere altre comunicazioni da RUFA Rome University of Fine Arts (es. Borse di studio, eventi e workshop). / I agree to receive other communications from RUFA Rome University of Fine Arts (e.g., Scholarships, events and workshops).