Art Curating and Management

Master - Art Curating and Management 1
Master - Art Curating and Management 9
Master - Art Curating and Management 1
Master - Art Curating and Management 9
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A Master’s program to create manifestations of culture.

The development of our economies increasingly depends on a series of targeted investments that make the arts and culture sector the pivot of the future economies of our cities. In this scenario, the role of a curator is increasingly in demand in the creative industry, a particularly dynamic and constantly developing sector.

The Master in Art Curating and Management aims to train professionals to work in the contemporary cultural and art system, at national and international level, and in different roles: independent curators, art critics and journalists, contemporary art museum supervisors in research offices and archives, art foundation consultants, gallery assistants and gallery managers, advisors for auction houses and collectors, coordinators and curators of art archives, organizers of contemporary art festivals and exhibitions.





The Master’s program places the development of critical and aesthetic thinking at the center of the contemporary debate: a laboratory to acquire the knowledge and tools necessary to work in the art world. Starting from the reading and creation of exhibitions, students explore the concepts of site and situation-specific concepts, social spaces, and urban commons, and the key themes of our times will be examined: ecology and feminism. Spaces are at the core: public art, environmental art, landscape and pre-existing setting preservation. The curatorial practice examines business planning, fund-raising, and marketing.
Practical projects related to the world of events and festivals will be developed, landscape and nature will also be considered in their aesthetic meaning. Included within the Master’s program is an intensive workshop on technical and creative writing for art.
The goal is to train world-class professionals: independent and institutional curators, art critics, journalists, archivists, gallery owners, consultants for auction houses and collectors, and organizers of art festivals.

The Master in Art Curating and Management has many partners who can host students for a 250-hour curricular placement, including Ashtart Consultancy, Associazione Appartengo ETS, Associazione Culturale Integrare, Editoriale Dets – Inside Art, Exibart, Fondazione Filiberto e Bianca Menna, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Contemporanea, Icompany, ILI Editore, Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione – Ministero della Cultura, Lazio Innova, Macro, Maxxi, PalaExpo, Palazzo Velli Expo, Paper Room – Yogurt Magazine, Tower – Biennale di Todi, TWM Factory, ViaFarini.

This Master starts in January, ends in December, and includes 250 hours of internship. Attendance is mandatory. Applications are currently open for January 2025 intake.




Study Plan

Contemporary Art Languages and Art Criticism
History, theories and critical and curatorial practices for contemporary art, through the study of the interrelationships between different contemporary arts and contemporary social and cultural phenomena, with particular reference to issues related to technological innovation processes.
Museography and new exhibition concepts
Methodology and techniques of exhibition design for museums, galleries, and temporary shows, which entail the exploration of innovative concepts, in the development of exhibition paths, in the display of artworks and in the service design also thanks to the application of new technologies.
Art Communication: media and methods
Methods and tools of cultural marketing and creative communication for contemporary art: verbal and audiovisual. Practical writing workshop: specialized publications, critical essays, journalistic articles, biographical notes, captions, advertising and branded content for social media.
Art management
Analysis of the evolution of the contemporary art market. Methods and techniques of project management. Planning, budgeting and organization of art exhibitions and cultural events. Fundraising and crowdfunding.
Cultural and environmental heritage
Cultural heritage management, including landscape as an aesthetic and cultural phenomenon, through the creation and organization of experiences and events for cultural institutions, and independent festivals.
Curricular internship
Final project
Total credits60

In order to access the RUFA first-level Academic Masters programmes, a three-year academic diploma (new system), four-year academic diploma (old system), university degree, or another qualification obtained abroad and recognized as suitable by the Academy in compliance with international agreements, is required.
The Master in Art Curating and Management prefers knowledge and training in the area of visual arts, artistic and cultural heritage or in the humanities and liberal arts area.

Enrolment in Master’s programs is on the basis of an admission assessment, which aims to understand the candidate’s potential and verify their commitment to undertake the chosen Master’s program. Candidates must submit their Curriculum Vitae, a 500-word personal statement and the certificate of English language proficiency (min. B2). Candidates can also submit their portfolio, the abstract of their thesis, or any relevant documents to show their skills and experience. The admission assessment consists of an interview with our academic staff discussing the applicant’s portfolio, experience, projects, and any works and documents that may be relevant for admission purposes. The interview may also be held online.

Second Session
16th and 17th of July.
Closing date for application 11th of July.
The Admission committee will continue to review applications as long as space is available in the program.


Online application for admission
Photocopy of identity document and tax code (only for Italian applicants)
Original academic qualification or self-certification – Download Template
Motivational letter
Portfolio or other documents (not mandatory)


Online application form
Two passport photos
Receipt of payment of the enrolment fee
Language certification or documentation proving knowledge of the English language, B2 level, for all students
For non-EU students: study visa/residence permit required to attend academic programs
For foreign students or Italian students who obtained their qualifications abroad: declaration of value, request in the country of origin, or certificates of verification and comparability issuedby CIMEA.

For further info please contact the Orientation office.

Italian StudentsEU StudentsEXTRA EU Students
€ 11.800,00€ 11.800,00€ 13.800,00


€ 1200.00 Annual enrolment fee to be paid upon enrolment each year by bank transfer addressed to Rome University of Fine Arts S.r.l. IBAN: IT29D0306905048100000012207, BIC CODE (Swift): BCITITMM, entering your name and surname as the reason for payment, by cheque, or directly to the admin office in cash. The remaining part of the tuition fee can be paid, via bank transfer, in:

one-off payment by 31 January, with a 5% reduction;
3 installments (31 January, 28 February, 31 March);
4 installments (31 January, 28 February, 30 April, 30 June);
6 installments (31 January, 28 February, 31 March, 30 April, 31 May, 30 June);
12 installments using 0% interest financing. (Terms & Conditions).

€ 1200.00 Enrolment fee to be paid upon enrolment by bank transfer addressed to Rome University of Fine Arts S.r.l. IBAN: IT29D0306905048100000012207, BIC CODE (Swift): BCITITMM, entering your name and surname as the reason for payment, or by credit card on
The remaining part of the tuition fee must be paid by 12 December, by bank transfer.


If an international student makes the tuition fee payment by the 30th of May and also submits the enrollment form completed, he/she will be entitled to a 15% reduction on the tuition fee.
Early Bird reductions cannot be combined with scholarships and/or with other economic support.

For each Academic Master RUFA offers n. 2 scholarships to Italian and international students enrolling in any Academic Master’s program.
For each Academic master RUFA offers 1 scholarship covering 50% and 1 scolarship covering 30% of the attendance fee, which will be directly deducted from the tuition fee. The Master’s scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic and artistic merit.
An expert committee will evaluate the candidates for the scholarship considering the strength and consistency of the academic profile, the examination of the thesis, portfolio, projects shared by the applicant and the outcome of the interview, if any.
The submission of the scholarship application should be done together with test registration by selecting the appropriate flag when filling out the form.

</p> <p><strong>Visit this section to keep an eye on the release of new scholarship calls.</strong></p> <p>

RUFA strongly believes it is vital to provide visible pathways of access across our programs to those in financial hardship and those from a diverse range of backgrounds:

• “zero interest financing” 12-month payment (Terms & Conditions);
• “per merito” student loan does not require any guarantee for students in good standing with the chosen study course
• exemption of € 2,000.00 students with > 66% disability;
5% reduction by paying in one installament by 31 January (only for italian citizenship students);
10% reduction for enrolled brothers and sisters;
15% reduction for RUFA graduates.


Apply for admission