
A symbol for Trieste district of Rome: RUFA partner of the project launched by Sinergiesolidali

In the belief that recognizing oneself in a symbol can increase and enhance the sense of belonging of residents to the “neighborhood community”, SinergieSolidali has launched the call for proposals for the creation of a symbol that identifies the Trieste district of Rome.

Unlike the 22 districts of Rome, which have a defined coat of arms, and the first 15 districts, which have a coat of arms described only in words, the XVII district, Trieste, is lacking both a coat of arms and an official description. Hence the idea to fill this gap, addressing the cultural and creative forces present in the area.

The project foresees the involvement of the citizens for the conception of the proposals, the selection of the winning idea and the awarding of a prize of 1.000 euro. The graphical layout of the symbol thus identified will be curated by RUFA and in particular by the Graphic design courses held by the teacher Enrico Parisio. Once this phase will be completed, the realization of the official banner of the neighborhood by the historical Castiglioni’s store will start.

Until Wednesday, February 17th 2021 it will be possible to send your proposal, which will be evaluated by a jury of intellectuals, public and institutional figures of the neighborhood. The commission, composed of seventeen members, is representative of the cultural, artistic, institutional and commercial realities of the neighborhood.

SinergieSolidali is a non-profit association that wants to provide a response to the phenomenon of social disintegration, typical of large cities, engaging in the formation and consolidation of a united, welcoming and supportive neighborhood community. For this reason it realizes both recreational and cultural events as opportunities for citizens to meet.