

UNarchive. Sounds and visions

The residence for young artists UNarchive is born. Sounds and visions, dedicated to the reuse of archive cinema and musical experimentation. There is time until December 13 to send in applications.
The project “UNarchive. Sounds and Visions”, an artistic residence aimed at training young artists with the aim of creating short audiovisual works focused on the encounter between cinematic images of the past and contemporary music.
In this context, “UNarchive. Sounds and Visions” intends to emphasize the function of research and sensory expansion that music can have in relation to archival cinema and the possibility that musical writing can resemantize and intensify celluloid images, the meaning of which would seem to be definitively fixed in the historical, certifying and evidential document.
The combination with musical composition has been conceived in a context of “re-signification and contextualization” of time passed with the present, between media, technology and creative experimentation: in fact, in a contemporary context, the comparison between archival film materials and musical experimentation is producing experiences that use the most disparate audiovisual techniques and practices – animation, found footage film, computer graphics, etc.. – which represent an interdisciplinary and environmental avant-garde, eloquent testimony of an audiovisual sensibility in complete renewal.
The aspiring participants in the residence must be less than 36 years old and send in their application by December 13: the six chosen – three in the role of filmmaker and three in the role of composer – will collaborate, each in its own artistic autonomy, in the creation of audiovisual works of short film (lasting up to 20′) without any thematic, genre or fruition constraints.
The application – individual or collective – for participation, as well as the rules and details of the project, are available at UNarchive.
Within 30 days of the closing of the call, the AAMOD Foundation will make public – on all web and social channels – the names of the 6 artists selected to participate in the Residence and the first two not selected.
The residence for young artists “UNarchive. Sounds and Visions” is conceived and produced by the Fondazione Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratico, with the support of Mibac and SIAE, as part of the “For Those Who Create” programme.

Scientific direction: Giacomo Ravesi
Artistic tutors: Francesca Fini, Filippo Okapi Paolini
Concept and coordination: Luca Ricciardi
Design: Matteo Angelici
Organization: Aurora Palandrani