AI x Visual Arts | Seminar and 4 workshops

What is Artificial Intelligence? Is it really capable of replacing human intelligence, or does it depend on it? And what are the most innovative tools and their applications in the artistic and design fields? Finally: what is ethical and what is not in the use of AI?
The Fine Arts Academies weigh in on these and other topics surrounding the world of Artificial Intelligence through AI x VISUAL ARTS – Exploring Artificial Intelligence, five days of workshops, discussions, and hands-on practice in their chosen disciplines: Design, Art, Multimedia, Cinema, Fashion Design.

AI x VISUAL ARTS – Exploring Artificial Intelligence: Where and When?
All activities of AI x VISUAL ARTS – Exploring Artificial Intelligence will take place at the RUFA Campus on Via Giuseppe Libetta, 7 (Metro B Garbatella), from October 14 to 18, 2024. The workshops are open to 25 students (RUFA + area GTA – GRAND TOUR AFAM, a project in which RUFA is the lead institution).

The workshops, lasting 30 hours, will be held from Monday to Friday and cover a range of topics from Cinema to Media Arts, Fashion Design to Computer Graphics, and more broadly, the image in all its artistic and communicative facets.  

Introductory seminar / “AI x VISUAL ARTS – Exploring Artificial Intelligence”

Monday, October 14, 9:30 AM

Fabio Mongelli (Director, RUFA)
Francesca Gollo (Coordinator, Department of Design and Applied Arts – RUFA)

Marco Arizza (Senior Researcher, ISPC, CID Ethics, National Research Council)
Silvia Scalzini (Associate Professor, UniParma, Coordinator of the Luiss Master’s, Associate CID-Ethics CNR)
“The ethics of cultural heritage research and the challenges for copyright in the age of AI”

Alfredo Valeri (RUFA Lecturer and Civita Association)
“The present and future of creative work in the era of Generative AI”

Emanuele Panizzi (Head of GamificationLab, Sapienza University of Rome)
“User experience design and evaluation with AI”

Michele Pio Di Pasquale (Developer, teacher, consultant)
“AI: Are we doing it right?”

Check out the project sheets of the 4 workshops

Exploring Memory and AI: The Evolution of Archival Practices [IN ENGLISH]
Alba Zari

Between the lines. Non-linear writing workshop for audiovisuals with artificial intelligence
Francesco D’Abbraccio, Giulio Pernice

GEN-AI: The revolution in computer graphics and tools for Designers
Michele Pio Di Pasquale

Artificial Intelligence in Design and Visual Arts. Practical applications of ChatGPT and Midjourney
Giada Franceschini

“GRAND TOUR AFAM” – Project “GTA” – Unique Project Code CUP I83B24000030006 – funded by the European Union Next Generation EU (NGEU) – for the internationalization of higher artistic and musical education institutions (AFAM) under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) MISSION 4 COMPONENT 1 – INVESTMENT 3.4 SUB-INVESTMENT T5.

Event type

  • Workshops