Romana Andò is Associate Professor of Sociology of Cultural Processes at Sapienza University of Rome, where she teaches Fashion Branding and Consumer Experience, Fashion and Gender and until 2023 Sociology of communication and fashion. Since 2018 she has been President of the International Master’s Degree in Fashion Studies, also at Sapienza, SARAS Department (History Anthropology Religions Art Entertainment).
Since 2023 she has been coordinator of the PNRR Fashion Cultural Heritage thematic line. Memories, museums, experience within the CHANGES – Spoke 2 project, on the museumisation of fashion.
Among her research topics: fashion consumption, fashion and sustainability, audience research, fandom studies, adolescence and media.
She edited the Italian translation of the volume by A. Rocamora and A. Smelik Thinking through fashion (Thinking through fashion, Meltemi 2022)
Among her fashion-themed publications:
Andò R., Audience for fashion. Consumare moda nei media e con i media, Egea, 2021-22
Ando, R. (2024). Fashion NFTs tra collezionismo fandom e brand community. In IL MERCATO DEI NON FUNGIBLE TOKENS TRA ARTE, MODA E GAMIFICATION (pp. 173-185). Milano University Press.
Andò, R. (2024). Approaching fashion in the metaverse: A consumer perspective. Fashion Highlight, (3), 160-167.
Andò, R. (2021). Audience for fashion: digital touch points, brand circulation, and the new consumer experience. In The Routledge Companion to Fashion Studies (pp. 428-436). Routledge.
Andò, R., & Campagna, L. (2022). Intellectual Fashion/Fashion Intellectual: Luxury, Branding, and the Glamorization of Theory. ZoneModa Journal, 12(1), 145-162.
Andò, R. (2015). Fashion and fandom on TV and social media: Claire Underwood’s power dressing. Critical Studies in Fashion & Beauty, 6(2), 207-231.