RUFA: one PNRR Annuoncement Presented and Two Projects Funded
Enhancing the system of Higher Artistic, Musical, and Coreutic Education (Afam); promoting its internationalization through the implementation of projects, activities, and programs focused on communication, dissemination, awareness-raising, teaching, research, and artistic production; contributing to the preservation and promotion of Italian culture.
With this goal in mind, RUFA has decided to adhere to the directorate decree 124/2023 from the Ministry of University and Research, utilizing European PNRR funds. This initiative has given form and substance to a series of collaborations that have enabled partnerships not only among Afam institutions but also with Universities and Research Bodies. Over the next two years, this approach will allow RUFA to be a leading player in two significant projects and experiences: Grand Tour Afam and Playing Memories.