Toni Thorimbert

Lecturer of the module The authorial portrait in the RUFA x Leica Akademie advanced training course: Immagine fotografica per il cinema e i nuovi media.

Reporter, portraitist, established fashion photographer and art director, Toni Thorimbert began photographing at a very young age, documenting the social tensions of the 1970s.
In the Eighties, his collaboration with the best periodicals of the time, such as Max, Sette and Amica, was fundamental in defining the new visual standard of those years, while the Nineties marked his maturity as an author and his consecration on an international level with collaborations with Brutus, Details, Mademoiselle, Wallpaper and the realisation of prestigious advertising campaigns.

His work has been the subject of numerous solo exhibitions in Italy and abroad including: Carta Stampata, Galleria Nepente, Milan 2006 and Fondazione Marangoni, Florence 2007; Transfert, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Varese 2000; Ties, Duggall Underground, New York 1999. Group exhibitions include: Fotografi italiani, Bourbon Lancy, France 2010; Due, ex ospedale Sant’Agostino, Modena 2009; La Dolce Crisi, fotografia contemporanea in Italia, Villa Manin, Udine 2005; Il 68 e Milano, Palazzo della Triennale, Milan, 1998; L’io e il suo doppio, un secolo di ritratto fotografico in Italia, Padiglione Italia, Venice Biennale, 1995. In the same year he curated the exhibition Esseri Umani (Human Beings), Fondazione Marangoni, Florence.

Website Toni Thorimbert