Claudia Ioan

Lecturer of the module History of photography and image in the RUFA x Leica Akademie advanced training course: Immagine fotografica per il cinema e i nuovi media.

Claudia Ioan was born in Rome, where she graduated with honours in Political Science with a Political-International focus at La Sapienza University; she has twenty years of university teaching in Language Mediation and Translation behind her; she lives in Perugia.

She is a professional music and stage photographer Certified By Leica | Leica Camera Italia and works as official photographer for important music organisations including Fondazione Perugia Musica Classica ONLUS, the third largest music organisation in Italy in the Ministry’s ranking. As a photographer, she conducts personal and artistic research for publishers and galleries. She is a contributor to important national and international newspapers and magazines, including Style Magazine – Corriere della Sera and Financial Times. She teaches Photography and History of Photography at Leica Akademie Italy.

She is a university lecturer in History of Photography, Photography I and Photography III (Theory and Practice) at the IID – Italian Institute of Design in Perugia. She writes articles and critical texts for photographic publications. She is Director of the Educational Department (DiD) of the FIAF (Italian Federation of Photographic Associations). She is a member of the Organising Committee of CIFA – Centro Italiano della Fotografia d’Autore, which works together with the Scientific Committee in organising important exhibitions (Nino Migliori and Carla Cerati in 2023) and cultural activities. She is a member of Commissions and Organising Committees of important national projects; the most recent is Obiettivo Italia, Censimento Fotografico degli Italiani (Objective Italy, Photographic Census of Italians), in collaboration with ISTAT, which collected 20,000 portrait photographs in two days all over Italy and processed 320,000 data on the subjects portrayed; on 8 December 2023 an installation was inaugurated in the Immersive Room of Gallerie d’Italia in Turin. She is an accredited FIAF Portfolio Reader. She is particularly dedicated as a photographic tutor and independent curator to assist photographers in the conception, construction, editing and sequencing of photographic projects. She is editor of the magazine Timeline. She is co-founder with Massimiliano Tuveri of Officine Creative Italiane, a cultural and photographic association and Creative Communication Laboratory, of which she is President. As an author, her works have been acquired by the Sistema Museale della Valle del MedAniene; she has numerous solo and group exhibitions to her credit, including at the Palazzo Reale in Milan, at the Nuvola di Fuksas in Rome and at the ICP – International Center of Photography in New York, May-December 2020, selected by curator David Campany. She is included as an author in the publication entitled #ICPConcerned by the ICP- International Center of Photography in New York, edited by David Campany; Paesi, edited by Lina Pallotta; Scolpite, edited by Paola Riccardi and critical text by Gigliola Foschi.

Claudia Ioan for Officine Creative Italiane