Alessandra Mauro

Alessandra Mauro

Lecturer of the module Photographic exhibition: setting up an exhibition in the RUFA x Leica Akademie advanced training course: Immagine fotografica per il cinema e i nuovi media.

Born in Rome, journalist, Alessandra Mauro has a degree in Literature.
She is artistic director of the Fondazione Forma per la Fotografia of Milan since its creation (2005) and editorial director of the Contrasto Publishing house in Rome. She was responsible (2000-2003) for the programming of photographic exhibitions at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni of Rome.

A former professor of Theory and History of Photography at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University Institute in Naples, she teaches Photography at the DAMS of the Roma 3 University, is head of the Master in Photography at the Raffles School in Milan and lecturer in Photography and Photojournalism at the School of Journalism of the LUISS in Rome and the Mercatorum University.

She collaborates with RAI – Radio Tre (Wikiradio programme) on a series of episodes dedicated to the authors, techniques and themes of international photography (to date, she has made 25 different broadcasts).

She collaborates with the Vatican Museums, Contemporary Art Collection, in the creation of the Museums’ photographic collection.

She is also a member of the Women’s Council of the Pontifical Council for Culture, desired by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi.

As a curator, independently or for Fondazione Forma, she conceived and organised several retrospective photographic exhibitions, including: Sebastião Salgado – La Mano dell’Uomo; William Klein – Roma; Mario Giacomelli – La figura nera aspetta il bianco; Mimmo Jodice – Perdersi a guardare; Gordon Parks – Una storia americana; Sebastião Salgado – In cammino; Gianni Berengo Gardin e Elliott Erwitt – Un’amicizia ai sali d’argento; Walter Bonatti – Fotografie dai grandi spazi; Gianni Berengo Gardin – vera fotografia e tante altre.

As editorial director of Contrasto, she has conceived and edited many books. She is the author of, among others, the volumes: Photoshow. Le principali mostre della storia della fotografia, 2014 (ed. italiana: Contrasto; ed. inglese: Thames&Hudson); Ombre di Guerra. 90 fotografie dai principali conflitti del mondo per dire basta al dramma della guerra, in collaborazione con la Fondazione Umberto Veronesi – Science for Peace (Contrasto 2009); I custodi dei fratelli. Quando i fotografi denunciano i diritti violati – ed. internazionale: My Brother’s Keeper. Documentary Photographers and Human Rights (Coedizione Contrasto – UTET, 2002); Lo sguardo da sud (Napoli, L’Ancora del Mediterraneo, 1999).