PhD in “Territorial Planning and Public Policy Analysis”at the IUAV University of Venice.
Alfredo Valeri is a cultural manger, responsible for research and innovation at the Civita Association, where he coordinates the development of strategic plans for the valorisation of cultural assets in public-private partnerships, sustainability & ESG strategies and projects for the digital transformation in the cultural and creative sectors.
As consultant for public entities, corporations and non-profit organizations, he is responsible for lead business development, stakeholders engagement and social impact reporting.
He edited several reports and researches mainly focused on cultural economics, open innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) and culture-led development practices. In 2023 he published Creare valore condiviso. Crowdfunding e co-progettazione negli ecosistemi dell’innovazione sociale” (Marsilio Editore).
As Associate Lecturer, he teaches project management, impact assessment, community building and crowdfunding for cultural and social innovation. At RUFA he teaches “Business management and crowdfunding” (Master in Design Management).