
Develop new competences with InDesign

All you need to know about InDesign in one short and comprehensive course: develop new skills and advance your career. The intensive Adobe InDesign course offered by RUFA is designed for those who want to improve and specialize in the field of digital graphic communication. The primary objective is to acquire basic knowledge of the program in a short time. A path that involves the complete learning of fundamental tools, functions and processes, professional layout techniques as well as the creation of brochures, catalogs, books and magazines through the use of advanced graphic layouts.

At the end of the course, a certificate of attendance is issued, against the presence of at least 12 of the 15 lessons provided, for a possible recognition of 2 CFU.

Course type: Professional and Customised
Mode of participation: In-presence or Online
Start/end of course: to be agreed with the teacher
Days and times: to be agreed with the teacher
Duration: Individual course of 25 hours or customised lessons of minimum 12 hours
Cost: 45 euros per hour
Language: Italian or English
Teacher: Emiliano D’angelo

The course aims to give a basic knowledge of Adobe In-Design software by learning the programme’s basic tools, functions and processes.

– Introduction
– Indesign Interface
– Fonts and readability rules

The working area
– Palettes, tools and palette menus
– The use of menus and shortcut keys
– Optimising the workspace and setting preferences

Setting up pages
– Concepts on layouts and guides
– Creating a document and introduction to rulers
– Using the Pages palette
– Master pages
– Layers

Use of text and tables
– Text frames and text import filters
– The use of characters and paragraphs
– Defining text styles
– Using tables and border enhancements
– Adapting text frames to objects

Use of graphic elements and colour
– The use of paths and shapes
– Controlling paths with path styles
– Composite paths and manipulating objects with the transform palette
– The use of colours
– Colour libraries and colour management

– PDF styles and generating a PDF file
– Applying gradients
– Creating an index
– Printing a document

Final project
Design and creation of a free-theme portfolio.

Professional graphic designer since 2005, specialising in editorial graphics and brand identity.

Over the years he has realised projects for various realities, including Rai Trade, Cartoons on the Bay, Fondazione Memmo, Ugo Bozzi editore, VyTA.

Since 2008 he has been involved in training: teacher of the graphics course at the International School of Comics in Rome until 2019, currently coordinator of the three-year Graphic Design course at ACCA Academy.