Arte cinematografica



Cinema and New formats production

Flaminio Film Festival Short Film Competition

The cultural association ‘Tra Terra Cielo e Mare’ of Renato Verdecchi, with the technical collaboration of the cultural association ‘’, present the 11th edition of the FLAMINIO FILM FESTIVAL 2024 International Competition.


The Flaminio Film Festival is dedicated to the art of short films. Each year, the Festival is centered around a theme that becomes the common thread in meetings with artists and directors. In its 11th edition, for the first time, the theme will be “Sustainability”. This is an important opportunity to explore short film productions and themes related to Sustainable Development.

The competition is “Genre FREE” but with a focus and a special award dedicated to the 17 goals of the UN 2030 Agenda. Registration for the 11th “FLAMINIO Film Festival and Sustainable Development 2024” is FREE, and each author can submit multiple short films. Each short film must have a maximum duration of 20 minutes (including opening and closing credits). The submission deadline is set for 24:00 on Sunday, September 15, 2024.

Submit the short film (in .mp4 format), the completed and signed registration form, and any additional informational materials (such as script, storyboard, trailer, photos, and videos of the short film’s backstage in .pdf, .jpg, and .mp4 formats) using a file transfer software, even a free one, such as, entering your email as the sender and the following email as the recipient:

Alternatively, you can send the short film on DVD (in 2 copies) with the corresponding registration form to: Associazione Culturale “Tra Terra, Cielo e Mare” Gentile da Fabriano, 3 – 00196 ROMA

Screenings of the best-received short films and the awards ceremony will take place in the evenings from September 23 to 26 at the Mancini Amphitheater Arena in Piazza Mancini, Rome. The festival jury, which will select the winners, will be composed of artists, experts, and figures related to the film industry and sustainable development.

The finalist short films will compete for the following awards:

“FLAMINIO Film Festival and Sustainable Development 2024” Award for the best short film submitted (subject to completion of fields relating to self-certification of sustainable production). Best Director Award selected from all submitted short films. Best Screenplay Award selected from all submitted short films. Best Cinematography Award selected from all submitted short films. Best School Short Film Award selected from school short films or individual students. All information regarding the competition, such as screening times, the list of finalist short films, the awarded short films, etc., is published on the website:

All short films participating in the Competition enrich the National Short Film Archive (A.N.C.) managed by the Roman cultural association “”.

For further information, contact the organization by sending an email to:  

Download the announcement and fill out the registration form