

Call for Artists – Playing Memories

Applications are now open to participate in PLAYING MEMORIES, artistic residencies for the creation and realization of multidisciplinary performances around the world, which will be showcased through a 24-episode TV docuseries on an international streaming platform.

You can find the call for artists and the application form at this LINK.

Unique in its kind, Playing Memories will promote intercultural, artistic, and human exchange, as well as the sharing of ideas, skills, and inspirations among young artists from different corners of the world.

Eight different artistic residencies, each lasting 15 days, will be produced. Each residency will host 15 performers, including dancers, musicians, visual artists, photographers, set designers, and other artistic figures selected from all over Italy, totaling 140 artists and performers.

During the two weeks of the residency, the team will be hosted within one of the partner institutions and will undergo an intensive creative process to design, set up, and stage their own original and unpublished multidisciplinary artistic performance. Each residency will have its own leader/creator, but the final performance will be the result of teamwork, constant interaction, and collective creation. All residencies and their performances will be filmed by a TV crew for the production of a TV docuseries – 2 seasons with a total of 24 episodes – which will be released on a prestigious international streaming platform.

The Playing Memories project is part of the PNNR – MISSION 4 COMPONENT 1 – Investment 3.4 University Education and Advanced Skills – CUP Code B93B24000010001 and will be carried out from May 2025 to March 2026, produced by Saint Louis as the lead partner in collaboration with RUFA, Fondazione Accademia d’Arti e Mestieri dello Spettacolo Teatro alla Scala, Conservatorio A. Casella di L’Aquila, ISIA of Rome.

The residencies, subject to changes that may be made after the publication of this Call for Artists, will be held at Saint Louis in Rome and Milan, Conservatorio di L’Aquila, Fondazione Accademia d’Arti e Mestieri dello Spettacolo Teatro alla Scala, School of Arts in Cuba, Academy of Performing Arts Prague, Staffordshire University, Kazakh National Academy of Arts.

Playing Memories is not a talent show but an individual and collective experience that, through the TV docuseries, will offer a privileged view into the world of artistic creation, showcasing the innovative visions of new generations who reinterpret their cultural heritage (memories) through their own eyes to then stage it (playing) in their own way and taste, seeking an original synthesis expressed through various artistic forms – music, dance, visual art, sculpture, performing arts, painting, photography – so that each can touch new chords in the viewer.