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Music Meets Film Arts

Music Meets Film Arts: A Creative Encounter between RUFA and Saint Louis.

The project stems from the collaboration between RUFA master’s students of Film Arts and students from the Jazz and Pop academic courses at the Saint Louis College of Music.
Guided by their shared passion for visual and musical arts, students from the two AFAM institutes worked closely together to create three engaging and innovative music videos.
The project, conceived as a monographic part of the Cinematography 2 course taught by Francesco Pennica and aimed at second-year Film Arts students (Languages and Techniques of Music Video from the Eighties to Today), allowed students to explore the languages and techniques of the music video, a hybrid and transversal genre that emerged in the early eighties with MTV and whose golden age ended with the advent of the internet, yet still represents a fertile ground for exploring the intersection between the arts of music and cinema.

The project’s goal, which involves students from both institutions in the production of three music videos, is to stimulate the creative exchange between young filmmakers and musicians, valuing teamwork within curricular activities and fostering an interdisciplinary spirit. RUFA students analyzed the musical pieces sent by the students of Saint Louis College of Music, belonging to three distinct genres: Jazz, Electro-Pop, and Rock. Divided into three groups, each working on a piece, they tackled the different phases of the project with enthusiasm and dedication.

The project’s phases included analyzing the language and storytelling techniques in music videos, listening to and analyzing the submitted tracks, developing creative proposals, pre-production with the definition of locations, cast, and costumes, shooting, editing, and post-production.

Most of the students who participated in the project come from international backgrounds, bringing a variety of cultural perspectives that further enrich the collaborative aspect of the project. Interdisciplinarity was also a key element, involving other faculty members from the Film Arts Course, such as RUFA teacher and Sound Designer Federico Landini for music analysis, RUFA Editing Techniques teacher Barbara Pasquale, and teachers Alberto Mascia, Marianna Cappi, and Fabrizio Matteo Rossi for the disciplines of Filmmaking, Screenwriting, and Production at RUFA, and the Saint Louis Music Production team, led by Alessandro Peana, for the Saint Louis College of Music.

Here are the three teams that collaborated in creating the three music videos.

1st group
Music: URBAN QUARTET (Gianluca Robustelli on guitar, Giuseppe Sacchi on piano, Vincenzo Quirico on double bass, and Federico Balestra on drums)
DIRECTOR: Nathalia Caramel
PRODUCER: Martina Sergi
GAFFER: William Dalenson
CAM OPERATOR: Eleonora Tanzi
ASSISTANT CAMERA: Regina del Gaudio

2nd group
Music: NAPSTAMIND (Michelangelo Rupolo on vocals and drums, Michele Cipollini on guitar and vocals, Lorenzo Colombo on bass and vocals)
DIRECTOR: Guibert Najarian
PRODUCER: Tracy Bou Farah
GAFFER: Quinn Turon
CAM OPERATOR: Matteo Angelini
ASSISTANT CAMERA: Valentina Bolado
2nd ASSISTANT: Nicolò Piccioni

3rd group
Music: CLAUDIO CLEMENTI (Claudio Clementi on vocals and guitar, Livio Salvatelli on drums, Fabio Balestrieri on production)
DIRECTOR: Leonardo Cappellani
PRODUCER: Francesco Are
CINEMATOGRAPHER: Anastasia Pestroiu
GAFFER: Domenico Abascià
CAM OPERATOR: Carlo Stanghellini

The music videos will be produced and released in July and September 2024, offering students the opportunity to share the results of their work with the public.