articolo_daniele falchi

Multimedia arts and design


RUFA launches the first critical writing project in collaboration with Inactual Magazine.

Internauti is a creative writing workshop curated by Daniele Falchi in collaboration with Inactual Magazine, aimed at stimulating a critical approach to the artistic languages of contemporary culture. Developed within the RUFA Master of Arts in “Multimedia Arts and Design”, the project features the students of the Multimedia Direction, who during the academic year reflected on issues typical of the post-media condition. The students’ contributions, compiled in two articles which investigate the relationship between real and virtual, body and identity, through cyborg theatre and wearable technologies, are freely available on the webpage of Inactual Magazine.


INACTUAL is an experimental research space dealing with visual studies, new technologies and contemporary art. INACTUAL is a magazine, an artistic and curatorial collective, a visual and textual container in perpetual mutation and experimentation. Inactual in that it stands outside a linear concept of time, for a critical parallax vision free of disciplinary preconceptions. We put experimentation and criticism first, but above all an undisciplined attitude that questions any pre-established identity of INACTUAL. We think that the new digital technologies related to art, work, mechanisms of power and production, bodies, identities, environment, politics and subcultures have completely overturned the paradigms of human thought and action. The 21st century has just begun, and we at INACTUAL, having grown up in this unprecedented ravine of history, want to attempt to interpret and act upon it through artistic operations, curating exhibitions, essays, articles, experimental publishing and inadequacy.


INTERNAUTI I: Decollo. Corpi, identità e autocoscienze digitali.

with contributions from:

Elisa Catalano, Frammenti di sguardi e identità liquide: la ricerca del sé nell’universo virtuale.
Giuseppe di Capua, La solitudine connessa: L’individualismo tossico nell’era digitale.
Silvia Baldo, Wearable technologies: dicotomia della carne umana.
Anthony Tony Jugo, Il teatro cyborg per un nuovo ruolo dello spettatore.


INTERNAUTI II: Atterraggio. Decostruzioni digitali per una ricostruzione analogica.

with contributions from:

Valerio Borgognoni, Hackerare la comunicazione: strategie di sovversione e adattamento di collettivi artistici e movimenti politici.
Annarita Debellis, Onesti plagiaristi: l’Hacker Art come lotta socio-politica.
Carola Imbesi, Biohacking: la ricerca biologica tra dubbi e certezze.