Art Curating and Management

Design Management

Particle Lab: a workshop on innovation in cultural fruition

RUFA students in the Masters in Art Curating and Management and Design Management participated in the innovative workshop promoted by Particle, apps for the culture sector, with the MACRO museum of Rome.

The project involved the creation of a digital level on the Particle app to complement the visit of two important exhibitions hosted by the MACRO: the ever-changing permanent exhibition “RETROFUTURO”, cpresenting the collection of young artists promoted by the museum, and the temporary exhibition “…E Prini”, the first major retrospective on Emilio Prini. This allowed the students to deal with different communication needs: the Prini exhibition, which focused on the works of only one artist and could be visited for a limited period, and the RETROFUTURO exhibition, which was permanent and featured works by more than 30 artists. The students analysed the strengths and weaknesses of both exhibitions, creating a digital layer specifically designed to enhance them.

The digital level included the creation of pages dedicated to exhibitions, artists and works, together with a multimedia storytelling and augmented reality interactions that would favour interaction and increase the involvement of the public. The benefits of creating the digital layer of an exhibition are many: one is to guide MACRO visitors within the space and along the path of the exhibitions, to fully understand the works and messages conveyed by the artists. Another, equally important, is to make the exhibitions, as well as the museum’s curatorial project, more comprehensive, usable without space-time limits, allowing access from wherever the app users are and keeping the exhibitions alive even after they have closed.

The content of the exhibitions was provided by the MACRO professionals, with special thanks to Lorena Stamo and the curatorial coordinator of the Prini exhibition, Matteo Binci. The collaboration made it possible to enrich the application with a wide range of high-quality artistic content, skilfully created by RUFA students under the expert guidance of the Particle and MACRO teams.
This interdisciplinary and inter-institutional project – coordinated by RUFA lecturers Francesca Gollo e Fabrizio Pizzuto – demonstrates the value of cooperation between different realities in the world of art and culture, offering users a new way to explore and appreciate contemporary art through the use of digital platforms.

The project will remain accessible on the Particle app, with which you can visit the exhibitions at any time.
To download the app, click on the following links from mobile, or scan the QR codes.


Retro Futuro
…E Prini



Participants in the workshop for Retro Futuro were: Silvia Andreozzi, Miae Lee, Victoria Rose Froberg, Seyma Dogan, Lucia Guerrero, Ayda Ozcan, Alessandra Paglianti, Amrutha Predeep.
Participants in the workshop for …E Prini were: Alex Aymerich, Noor Fatima, Lucy Henderson, Anne Catherine Leth Christiansen, Elisa Panisson , Gloria Strauss, Yu Pok Henny Tjoeng.


RUFA students visiting the MACRO with the Particle team