Multimedia arts and design


RUFA students of Multimedia Arts and Design among the protagonists of the event “PORTE APERTE AL CNR: #patrimonioculturale nelle transizioni verde e digitale” with two installations at the Digital Art popup show.
The artists involved: Francesca Battaglia, Martino Cassanelli, Andrea Cecconi, Lucrezia Mariotti. With the coordination of teacher Caterina Tomeo.

10-12 October 2023 – Florence, Manifattura Tabacchi

The Institute of Cultural Heritage Sciences of the CNR, in coordination with the Department of Human and Social Sciences, Cultural Heritage (DSU) and the CNR Centenary Honours Committee, present “PORTE APERTE AL CNR: #patrimonioculturale nelle transizioni verde e digitale”, a 3-day initiative to be held in Florence from 10 to 12 October 2023. The initiative, organised in the renovated industrial-style spaces of the Manifattura Tabacchi where the operational headquarters of E-RIHS (the CNR-led European Infrastructure for Heritage Sciences) is located, sees a succession of dynamic micro-events of various kinds aimed at different audiences to celebrate #heritagecultural heritage in the framework of the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the organisation.

Students from the two-year degree course in Multimedia Arts and Design – coordinated by Caterina Tomeo – were selected to exhibit two installations at the Digital Art popup show – “Angolo Vivo” and “Kosmogrammi” – which will see the participation of various creative realities, where young artists, freelancers and professionals will exhibit their works and present their concept to an enlarged audience. They will also take part in the Hackathon CNR ISPC, which will see three teams of 12 university students creatively ‘sfit’ on Heritage Science topics from the fiorentine territory and other Italian regions.
Find out more on the event