Multimedia arts and design

L’elettronica è donna

ON 19 May at 6.30 p.m. at the Auditorium Notebook Bookshop will be presented ‘L’ELETTRONICA È DONNA’ (ELECTRONICS IS WOMEN), the new book edited by Caterina Tomeo, coordinator of the Master’s degree in Multimedia Arts and Design, and Claudia Attimonelli.

A volume that explores the galaxy of sound and visual electronic languages from a Transfeminist, Queer and posthuman perspective.



“To be very precise about the history of ideas and the specific creativity, originality and importance of the thought of other women is already one of the practices of Feminism”, as Donna Haraway expressed it in her famous Cyborg Manifesto: it is in the wake of her reflections that this book proposes a choral, composite and transversal reconstruction of the importance of women’s contributions, forgotten by historiography in almost two centuries of technological, artistic and musical experimentation. Divided into sections, the book outlines a real and virtual journey ranging from the invention of the first algorithms to the practice of DJing, from live performance to video art, from multimedia installations to sonic art, from artificial intelligence to techno, electroacoustic and experimental music marked by the female and LGBTQI+ factor. The contributions, true to the transdisciplinary and intersectional spirit, come from authors who reflect, practice, study and operate on the borderline of contemporary electronic languages.

Caterina Tomeo

Art historian, critic and curator, she deals with contemporary art with a particular interest in interdisciplinarity and research in the field of New Media Art and Sonic Arts. She is coordinator of the Master of Multimedia Arts and Design at RUFA. She teaches in the Master of Sonic Arts at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering of the Tor Vergata University, in the Master of Economics and Management of Art and Culture at the Sole 24 Ore Business School and in the Master of Management of Art and Cultural Heritage at Giunti Academy. His publications with Castelvecchi include: Sound Art. Listening is like seeing (2017) and Sonic Arts. Tra esperienza percepettiva e ascolto attivo (2019).

Claudia Attimonelli

Sociosemiologist, she teaches at the University Aldo Moro in Bari and is a visiting professor at the Université Paul-Valéry in Montpellier and the Uerj University in Rio de Janeiro. She is in charge of the MEM (Mediateca Emeroteca Musicale) project. A specialist in techno and Afrofuturism, she focuses her interests on corporeity, the posthuman, gender studies and electronic cultures. Author of numerous books translated into several languages, including: Techno. Afrofuturist Rhythms (2008-2018), Pornoculture (with V. Susca 2016); Aesthetics of Malaise. Blackness, Punk, the Skull (2020); A Dark Reflection. Black Mirror and the Digital Dawn (with V. Susca 2020).