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Scrivere il monologo

Congratulations to the RUFA teacher of Creative Writing Franca De Angelis for the publication of her latest book on the writing of the dramatic monologue by Audino Editore: “Scrivere il monologo – Guida alla composizione di testi per voce sola”.


«Look, I was prejudiced. A monologue. I thought I would spend the time looking at the time. And instead…”. It is not uncommon for the author of a monologue to hear phrases like this after the show. If, of course, the bet is successful. In fact, keeping the viewer glued to one face, one voice, one point of view for an hour or more is a gamble.
Far from pretending to provide recipes, Writing the monologue is a reflection – based on personal experiences and the analysis of the longest-running monologues in the history of theater and cinema – on what is useful to consider before and during the writing of a monologue in which a character tells and lives a story for the duration of a complete show.
In spite of what one might believe, a monologue is not a meeting, a poem, nor an abandonment to an unrestrained inner voice. It is an act where a protagonist – and not an actor / narrator – in telling something acts, in the here and now of the representation.

This book intends to offer the tools so that this character, with a unique voice, captivates the viewers, sticks to their heart and becomes indelible in their memory.

Find out more.