DataMeditation - Immagine news

Graphic design

Multimedia arts and design

Visual and Innovation Design

DataMeditation Workshop

Designed by the artists Salvatore Iaconesi and Oriana Persico, the project invites people to experience a novel mode of interaction between individuals and data:a practice of meditation mediated by the technology, through which participants learn to generate data autobiographically to access a new experience of themselves and others.

DataMeditation. A mediation for the environment

It is not only a workshop, but above all a ritual of the new living and intends to highlight the condition in which a new cosmology exists, where human beings are part of a dynamic network of different actors and agents, human and non-human.

In “DataMeditation. A mediation for the environment”, the encounter between the ancestral practice of meditation and computational sciences becomes an opportunity to investigate the relationship that, as individuals and as society, we have with the habitat and the ecosystem.

The aim is to establish a new position in relation to current issues such as the environmental emergency and climate change.

The workshop, which is free and open to a maximum of 50 participants, requires mandatory registration by 11 October at 1 pm.

The entire activity is being realised in the context of a research project promoted by the School of Cultural Heritage and Activities foundation for the MAXXI Mobile Lab, based on an idea by Hou Hanru.

The educational experience is aimed at students in general and in particular those coming from academies, institutes and faculties of art and design.

In addition to the authors, the team from the Nuovo Abitare foundation will also participate. Each participant will receive a certificate of participation issued by the MAXXI Museum and the research centre “HER: she Loves Data” and will co-author the generative work exhibited at the museum as the final output of the project.

The project lasts a total of two weeks. The first requires the use of a web application and a daily presence of 15 minutes. The second will involve those present in an exercise of imagination that can be carried out directly at home.

On Friday 5 November, a event/exhibition and a collective meditation will take place at MAXXI: remote presence is possible, travel to MAXXI is recommended.