Galerie Daniel Vignal invites RUFA students to participate in the European Biennial of Contemporary Art, which will be held between May and June 2020 in Vabre, France. The gallery involves the audience of the Region and enlightened amateurs, offering an anthology of art that is generally abstract, created by both local artists and artists from… Find out more

Masterclass with Fabio Mauri Studio
Studio Mauri is the heritage of a great Italian artist. On February 13th the visual arts students of RUFA will have the opportunity to enjoy it, guided by the historical assistants of Fabio Mauri, Dora Aceto, Ivan Barlafante, Marcella Campitelli, Claudio Cantelmi, Sara Codutti and Sandro Mele, who have created and set up many of… Find out more
Ministry of Health, the guidelines for the knowledge and prevention of Coronavirus
RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts, in order to provide correct information and avoid unnecessary and dangerous alarmism, intended to disseminate the cognitive vademecum on the spread of Coronavirus. The vademecum, in addition to illustrating the symptoms that distinguish the particular pathology, identifies the virtuous behaviors to be adopted to reduce any possible risk… Find out more

A talk on the publishing market for RUFA students
“The periodicals that launched digital publishing.” This is the theme of the talk that will take place on Wednesday 5 February from 10 am in RUFA Aula Magna in Via Taro. The meeting with Benedetta Torrani, curated by lecturer Luigi Iacobelli, is focused on the analysis of publications dealing with videogames and graphics: it is… Find out more
Rometti Prize, the call of the 2020 edition
The call for proposals for the 2020 edition of the Rometti Prize dedicated to ceramic design has been published. The aim of the project is twofold: on the one hand to confront students with the difficulties that can arise from the transition from idea to realization; on the other hand to offer an original contribution… Find out more

RUFA and Contrasto, masterclass with the photoreporter Massimo Berruti
Bring the knowledge learned during the lessons to the practical and operational level. It is in this context that the masterclasses by the Contrasto agency are focused. These are in-depth lessons that put the students of the third year of the course of Photography in front of those who are experts in this field, both… Find out more

Fine Arts
RUFA, talk e workshop on monotype – Photos and video
Paper sheets, inks, engraving, lithography and serigraphy. This is what Giuseppe Prezioso, marketing director of Cartiere di Fabriano, spoke about at the talk on paper processing procedures that took place on Tuesday 21st January in the art graphics classroom of the RUFA Pastificio Cerere headquarters. A double appointment in which Guido D’Angelo also presented Colart’s… Find out more

Graphic design
Talk “Le strutture del racconto” – Photos and video
The Aula Magna was packed with students for the talk entitled “Le strutture del racconto” which took place on January 22nd at the RUFA headquarters in via Taro, held by communication expert Giovanni Masi and curated by professor Fabrizio Verrocchi. Who among us doesn’t have something interesting to tell? We all know stories to pass… Find out more

“People”: Solo exhibition by Esposito and De Martino – Photos
The “People” exhibition allowed visitors to undertake a journey in many directions. A double path that reveals meeting points and trespasses on the same theme of two artists: Celeste Esposito and Carlotta De Martino. This happened at the opening of the “Solo exhibition”, on January 22nd at RUFA Space. The two artists showed that the… Find out more

Computer Animation and Visual Effects
RUFA, in Computer animation the Masterclass with Giovanni Braggio
The Masterclasses of the Computer animation and visual effects course continue. RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts has scheduled a series of meetings that put students in front of the top experts in this field. The aim, of course, is to encourage the exchange of ideas and projects, considerably reducing the entry into the… Find out more

At MAXXI the fifth edition of “The Independent summit” project
During this year MAXXI is celebrating the fifth anniversary of the research project “The Independent”, dedicated to the identification and promotion of social spaces aimed at independent thinking. For the occasion, which coincides with the tenth anniversary of the Museum, a summit has been organized to explore the power of friendship, solidarity and alliances. Bringing… Find out more

Photography and Audiovisual
MOTUUM – The Self-seeking Observer – Photos
The opening of the group exhibition MOTUUM on January 16th, at RUFA Space, curated by Alice Pietrucci, was a great success. The seven participatory art installations allowed the third year students of the School of Photography to use an approach in creating art that directly involved the public and allowed them to become co-author, editor… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
We renew our appointment with Pitch me!
We renew the appointment with the contest “Pitch me! Pierluigi De Mas 2020”, as part of the festival “Cartoons on the Bay”. The event, now in its 24th edition, will be held in Pescara from 2nd to 5th April. The participation to the contest, dedicated to the memory of the homonymous great master of Italian… Find out more

Fine Arts
In Rimini an exhibition dedicated to the artist’s book
With a title that pays homage to the master Wassily Kandinsky on 18 January at 4 p.m., the exhibition “PUNTO, LINEA, SUPERFICIE” was inaugurated at the Museum of the City of Rimini, in Via Tonini 1: an itinerary dedicated to artists’ books, with a selection of works curated by the National Association of Contemporary Engravers…. Find out more
A contest for site specific installations
The Aps U Jùse indicates the second edition of the international call “ESSERI URBANI the other side of art”. The aim of the project is to select 10 “site-specific” art projects, protagonists of an open-air exhibition along the streets of the historic centre of Locorotondo, from 19th June to September 13th 2020, as part of… Find out more

Photography and Audiovisual
RUFA and Contrasto, masterclass with Francesco Anselmi
Bring the knowledge learned during the lessons to the practical and operational level. It is in this context that the masterclasses by the Contrasto agency are focused. These are in-depth lessons that put the students of the third year of the course of Photography in front of those who are experts in this field, both… Find out more

Fine Arts
RUFA, talk e workshop on monotype
Double appointment on Tuesday 21 January, starting at 11.30 am, in the art graphics room of RUFA Pastificio Cerere, in Via degli Ausoni 7 in Rome, in the heart of the San Lorenzo district. Giuseppe Prezioso, marketing director of Cartiere di Fabriano, will hold a talk on paper processing procedures, while Professor Guido D’Angelo will… Find out more

Tracks of Freedom 2020 – Extension Registration
The enrolment to the third edition of Tracks of Freedom, the educational and cultural exchange experience, for Master‘s students, particularly for Visual and innovation design, has been extended to January 23rd until 6 p.m. to meet the needs of students. Ten days of design work, social and cultural in-depth study, talks by appreciated designers and… Find out more

“In Situ”, when the orientation turns into art
Student to student. From those who seek their own future, gathering information and opportunities, to those who have decided to follow the path of creativity, between innovation and art. This is the scenario, in the context of RUFA Space, in Via degli Ausoni 7 in the heart of the San Lorenzo district in Rome, which… Find out more
100 years of the Garbatella district in a mural
On the occasion of the celebrations for the centenary of the Garbatella district, the Ater – Territorial company for public housing in the municipality of Rome has launched a call for proposals aimed at presenting creative projects with the aim of decorating the blind wall of a building located in the district. The aim of… Find out more