The inauguration of the 2020 edition of La Quadriennale di Roma has a twofold significance: on the one hand, it demonstrates the support of the institutions and the State for one of the events that, over the years, has strengthened the role of research and experimentation in the artistic field, and on the other hand, it makes it possible to restore to culture and expressiveness that role of catalyst that the pandemic triggered by Covid-19 has momentarily overshadowed. A long and tortuous path that intends to put back at the center of the debate the function of Made in Italy and, more generally, of contemporary art.
The Quadriennale d’arte 2020, prophetically entitled “FUORI”, is curated by Sarah Cosulich and Stefano Collicelli Cagol and will be open from October 30 to January 17, in the prestigious setting of the Palazzo delle Esposizioni. It is an exhibition structured to propose a unique and unforgettable journey from the Sixties to today. The 43 artists present, more than half under 40 years old and with a large female presence, offer an unexpected reinterpretation of Italian art, through unpublished bridges between different generations who have worked in various fields of creativity.
Born from three years of research throughout Italy, “FUORI” offers to the eyes of the visitor between painting, sculpture, photography, video, drawing, installations and works resulting from contamination between visual arts and other disciplines such as theater, dance, cinema, fashion, architecture, music, design. “OUT” overcomes the limits between disciplines and mediums, but also sex and gender to accommodate female, feminist and queer imagery. The exhibition project was created to induce reflection on three areas of research: “the Palace”, as a metaphor for the relationship between art and power starting from the Palazzo delle Esposizioni; the “Desire”, because seduction has always been at the heart of art; the “Incommensurable”, to testify to the need for art to go beyond the boundaries of what is known to cross the threshold of the unimaginable. “OUTSIDE” is an invitation to get out of the schemes, to take an eccentric position – outside the center – to adopt an oblique look, of mutual relationship with the other by himself.
In the context of such a wide-ranging event, the “AccadeMibact” prize for young people under 28, enrolled or graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts, finds its raison d’être. 10 artists have been identified, winners of the 10 thousand euro contributions put up for grabs for the production of new works. The competition was promoted by MiBACT – Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea in collaboration with Fondazione La Quadriennale di Roma.
Among the ten selected artists there is also RUFA graduate Roberta Folliero. The ten artists, identified among 89 candidates proposed by 33 Fine Arts Academies, exhibit their works in the exhibition “Domani Qui Oggi”, the main collateral event of the Quadriennale, curated by Ilaria Gianni. The prize aims to promote young Italian artists and to enhance the Academies of Fine Arts as institutions of high artistic education. For information on free access and reservations visit the Quadriennale website.