“An essential element of art is risk. If you don’t take any risk, you can’t create something authentically beautiful that has never been seen before”. It is a statement that made the famous director Francis Ford Coppola and that, today as yesterday, provides the visionary boundary of being an artist, of imagining perspectives and paths not yet travelled, in embarking alone on the path to glory. It is the desire that every student tries to realize the moment he crosses the doors of an Academy of Fine Arts. Here doing and saying have the same importance, running and thinking have the same effectiveness.
But RUFA is not only an Academy in which to be formed. The places dedicated to teaching and learning are nourished by that dynamism that covers the students, constantly looking for a spark, immeasurable and blinding, capable of giving light to an emotion. It is the river of creativity that, unstoppable, descends towards the sea, unable to be contained by the physicality of a barrier or four walls. No isolation or quarantine can stem this impetuous force.
And it is in this vision that the teacher-student relationship, until now almost corporeal, manifests itself in new but no less intense ways. From real to virtual sharing everything changes, but nothing changes. No one is alone: everyone tells and confronts each other, pursuing new paths and new itineraries, in the conviction that the future is now and that if you want to be protagonists of your own time you cannot use the alibi of isolation. In the differentiation of roles, between those who teach and those who learn: the thought or doubt raised by one, is an element of reflection for another or a critical approach for another and so on.
The challenge does not stop: the obstacles facing us are overcome with greater conviction. A distant but united community, that of RUFA, faces them. And to give relevance to this process, different and exciting, RUFA has created a digital communication plan, already online on social channels (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn), which will be strengthened in the coming weeks and which will directly involve teachers and students of the Academy.
In this scenario RUFA has become the collector of many other spontaneous related initiatives, conceived by its own community of students and teachers and in some cases born from the extended collaboration of other Universities.
Viviana Roppolo, Rufa student of Visual and Innovation design, has created a collective project of domestic narrative through photographic image. The initiative involves students from several universities who are creating images to tell their experience to be shared on social channels, with the creation of a dedicated Instagram page @Talesfromthequarantine, which represents the sharing of a lens as a way out of forced alienation.
BeES_Best Emotional Shots of Floriana Cannatelli, teacher of Product design and Tecnologia dei materiali del design, Materials Technology of design, who imagined a metaphysical switch set to OFF.
“Time is suspended. The space we perceived as multidimensional and without borders has become now the narrow fence of the walls of our home.
The mind wonders restless and impatient on the web, the only possible channel of exchange, while the body is blocked, forced to be immobilized in order to survive. This “freezing” of usual functions and activities can be a distressing prison, or an undiscovered opportunity for rebirth. The key issue now is to work through fear and activate our resilience, not only to continue, but to go BEYOND.”
The BeES project suggests a change of perspective, to provide the “imprisoned” time with creative freedom, to feel contained and not blocked, and to be grateful for the fortune of having a home as protection, which is not to be taken for granted. BeEs invite is to take photos of spaces, people, situations, environments, but also microscopic details of one’s habitat, as if one were taking a new journey, with new lenses and with a new look: as the future memory of our “point zero”, the moment in which we change our gaze upon our life. IG: @bees.shots FB: Best Emotional Shots