First appointment of the year with “La Musica Attuale”, a renewed format, which evolves from last year’s experience, and which allows, even more, to bring art and music closer together, generating interest and contamination. RUFA and iCompany have given new form and substance to the project, focusing on the theme “emerging artists and experts in… Find out more
February 2020
THE DIRECTOR – considering the Decree Law “Urgent measures on the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency by COVID-2019” adopted on 22/02/2020 by the Council of Ministers and in particular art. 1 paragraph d; – considering the recent evolution of the spread in Italy of the contagion from COVID-2019 so-called “Coronavirus”; – considering that… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
MIND M(U)P – RUFA story of Garbatella
On February 27th at 6.00 p.m. the exhibition GARBATELLA MIND M(U)P – Choral photo installation of RUFA students of the Bachelor Photography course , from the idea of the collettivoFareCose, will be inaugurated. The exhibition will be held at the Ater space in Via Percoto 6 and will be open until March 6th from 3… Find out more
RUFA Contest – The 2020 Edition
“Oh, my Earth!”: this is the theme of the RUFA Contest which, as usual for five years, invites the students of the Academy of Fine Arts legally recognized by the Miur, to confront each other in the sign of creativity to decline ideation, ingenuity and research. “I am your gem, I was born from your… Find out more
RUFA, the courses for the “Alternanza Scuola – Lavoro” projects are now underway
As part of the “Alternanza Scuola – Lavoro” courses, meetings continue, at the RUFA Pastificio Cerere headquarters in the heart of the San Lorenzo district, with high school students, who want to get in touch with the career opportunities that the Academy of Fine Arts is able to facilitate and encourage. From Monday, February 24th,… Find out more
“Mi guardo intorno”: Solo exhibition by Silvia Rosa – Photos
“…and one after the other those extraordinary human beings that are called colours came out one after the other exultantly joyful, reflective, fantastic and immersed in each other, living in themselves and for themselves, individually endowed with all the qualities necessary to lead an autonomous life and ready at all times to bend spontaneously to… Find out more
RUFA, a workshop with Francesco Fidani linked to the Tothem Tour
Guiding the students to interpret the identity of the territory through the image; creating a collective work of large format and visual impact; providing the knowledge for the understanding and practice of the linocut printing technique (xylography on linoleum): these are the three main objectives of the workshop “FUORIFORMATO – The big Tothem: collective xylography… Find out more
“In Situ”, when the orientation turns into art – Photos and video
Getting to know the artists of In Situ was very inspiring for the RUFA students who took part in the talk at the RUFA Space headquarters on 6th February, starting at 3.30 pm. Many questions were asked to Christophe Constantin, Marco De Rosa, Francesca Cornacchini and Federica Di Pietrantonio and the answers they gave to… Find out more
RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts: urban regeneration starts from San Lorenzo
A project of urban regeneration that overlooks the structural aspects to focus strongly on the cultural ones. RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts legally recognized by Miur, when planning its education and research in the art field for the academic year 2019/2020, has decided to focus its resources on the… Find out more
A talk on the publishing market – Photos and video
Desktop publishing has almost completely replaced previous technologies for the creation, layout and production of publishing products and has revolutionized contemporary typography. For this reason the meeting with Benedetta Torrani was of fundamental importance for all those RUFA students interested in the fields of publishing graphics and interface graphics. The talk, entitled “I periodici che… Find out more
Solo exhibition: “KATA LOGON – the poetics of (past) time”
As the final result of the thesis discussion that will take place in the February 2020 session, “KATA LOGON – the poetics of (past) time”, tries to become a work in itself. The intent, is to make clear a different vision of time, not chronological, but cairological. It is fundamental the care of the moment,… Find out more
Multimedia arts and design
David LaChapelle meets Liu Yunfeng
From the RUFA Contest to Los Angeles, to meet David LaChapelle, to give form and substance, from an artistic point of view, to a statement that, after more than six months, remains well imprinted in the minds and hearts of the protagonists. The student of Multimedia arts and design – Virtual Reality Liu Yunfeng went… Find out more
“Mi guardo intorno”: Solo exhibition by Silvia Rosa
“Mi guardo intorno”, I immerse myself in colors, shapes, lines, more or less defined geometries, places. The inauguration of the exhibition, curated by Carlotta De Martino, will take place on Wednesday 12th February 2020, at 6 pm, at RUFA Space – Pastificio Cerere in via degli Ausoni, 7a/b. The canvases by Silvia Rosa, an expert… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
RUFA, meeting between music, photography and video
The project “Le immagini sfocate”, curated by RUFA lecturer Alessandro Carpentieri with the presence of Marco Ariano, will be held on Monday 10th February at 4.30 p.m. in the photography classrooms of via Benaco 1. The meeting, dedicated to videomakers and photographers, is aimed at presenting the dance and music experience “DE-STARE – Paesaggi dello… Find out more
RAI Cinema and RUFA, a synergy on storytelling and transmediality is starting up
RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts and Rai Cinema have started a collaboration with the students of the Academy, with the aim of exploring new forms of storytelling on different communication channels. On January 30 a group of young people took part in the press conference for the launch of Gabriele Muccino’s film “Gli… Find out more
European Biennial of Contemporary Art
Galerie Daniel Vignal invites RUFA students to participate in the European Biennial of Contemporary Art, which will be held between May and June 2020 in Vabre, France. The gallery involves the audience of the Region and enlightened amateurs, offering an anthology of art that is generally abstract, created by both local artists and artists from… Find out more