It was presented at the 76th Venice International Film Festival and is now on the website the new announcement of the Premio Cesare Zavattini: there is time until October 11 to register. The competition is aimed at young filmmakers, both professional and amateur, of any nationality, aged between 18 and 35 years, who are interested… Find out more

Graphic design
Francesco Poroli tells his story
On September 12th eight unpublished illustrations by Francesco Poroli were exhibited at India Estate, with the organization of Cosa Vedere a Roma and the sponsorship of RUFA and Page Service. On this occasion Francesco told us a little about his experience. How did you become an illustrator? What is your path? Actually I became an… Find out more
Open Day 14 september: photos and video
On 14 September, RUFA opened its doors to all future students. Relive the RUFA EXPERIENCE of the Open Day: an appointment to get in touch with lecturers, students and the organization of the Academy, as well as to visit the venues and discover the courses.

RUFA, here is the exhibition Uroboros of the students of the Master course of Multimedia arts and design – Virtual reality
Surprise and reflect. The students of the Master course in Multimedia arts and design are ready to perfectly interpret both elements in the context of the exhibition “Uroboros. Torna diverso”, scheduled from 24th September in the frame of the RUFA Space, in via degli Ausoni 7, in the iconic district of San Lorenzo. The project… Find out more

Graphic design
The calendar of Tipografare will be made by Francesco Paolo Incantalupo
With the “Stampa Sensoriale” project, Francesco Paolo Incantalupo took first place in the special list of works generated by the students of Graphic Design RUFA, led by the lecturer Claudia Iluzzi, for the creation of the calendar Tipografare 2020. The evaluation committee, made up of Emanuele Menconi and Roberto Bottiglieri, respectively director and contact person… Find out more

Multimedia arts and design
RUFA and Romaeuropa Festival, together between education and opportunities
A collaboration that, over the years, has been able to strengthen, turning into a project and offering artistic ideas of the highest profile. RUFA and Romaeuropa Festival continue their journey, with the aim of catalyzing the attention of the students of the Academy, professionals, public opinion and professionals of the creative industry. The Romaeuropa Festival,… Find out more

The XIII edition of “The 48 Hour Film Project”, the contest dedicated to film-makers, is starting.
All set for the most adrenaline-fuelled film festival there is. From 18 to 20 October Rome will host the XIII edition of the international competition “The 48 Hour Film Project”. Students, enthusiasts and professionals will commit to making a short film in just 48 hours. The particular event, supported and sponsored by RUFA, takes place… Find out more
NeoRural Futures – The event
On Friday 6 September, RUFA hosted the closing event of the NeoRural Futures workshop, which was held at the Academy from 2 to 6 September. At RUFA Space, in via degli Ausoni 7, in addition to the exhibit, there was a conference and a round table on the topic SpeculativeEdu. NeoRural Futures is perfectly in… Find out more

Venice, special mention for Beatrice Baldacci at the Biennale
A Biennale to remember and a first step that excites. Alumni RUFA student Beatrice Baldacci, thanks to the direction of the film “Supereroi senza Superpoteri”, received the special mention FEDIC (Federazione italiana dei Cineclub) for the best short film. The award in question was presented in the evocative setting of the Hotel Excelsior on the… Find out more

The routes of the Mediterranean
The routes of the Mediterranean A work that involves the whole of the Mediterranean, a symbolic place of a historical period that in recent years has marked the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and has sparked strong discussions both nationally and internationally, involving and overwhelming the already precarious and complex European political situation…. Find out more

Montecatini Terme, on October 21 there is the pitching “The Authors Day”
From 21 to 25 October, the 70th edition of the International Short Film Festival will take place in Montecatini Terme (Pt). This is the oldest industry event in Italy, considering that it was founded in 1949, just after the Mostra di Venezia. Over the years the contest has seen the participation of artists and works… Find out more

RUFA and MAXXI, together in the sign of education
A story born almost in symbiosis, a few months apart. RUFA and MAXXI not only share an immeasurable love for contemporary art, but also a parallel destiny that has its roots in the late 1990s. In 1998 the Academy of Fine Arts started its educational activities, beginning the path that has now allowed it to… Find out more
Zagathon, three free workshops to promote innovation on the territory
The Regione Lazio, with the support of Lazio Innova and Spazio Attivo LOIC (Lazio Open Innovation Centre) Zagarolo, created with the aim of promoting and enhancing the entrepreneurial fabric through the introduction of elements of social innovation and design thinking, promotes three design workshops called Zagathon, which deal respectively with the themes Food, Wellness and… Find out more

Graphic design
RUFA supports the “TRAMANDARE. Lessico, sentimenti, valori per la città”.
Thursday, September 12, starting at 6:30 pm, in the spaces of industrial archaeology of India Estate, which are located in the Capital, will be held the exhibition of eight unpublished illustrations by Francesco Poroli. This is a project curated by “Cosa Vedere a Roma” and supported by RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts and… Find out more

The September RUFA: admissions test and Open Day
It will be a very intense September the one planned by RUFA. On Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 there will be admission tests for the first and second level courses proposed by the Academy of Fine Arts legally recognized by the Miur. The Rome University of Fine Arts is an integral part of the university… Find out more

The “NeoRural Futures” experience has started
After the short summer break, RUFA Pastificio Cerere headquarters reopens its doors for a prestigious training event that sees the interest of cultural operators from all over the world converge. The heart of the San Lorenzo district is where the NeoRural Futures project, SpeculativeEdu’s international summer school, is hosted. Specifically, it is a deepening plan… Find out more
In Naples the third Q-Rated workshop
The selections for the workshop “Q-Rated Napoli 2019” are open. Through this project the Quadrennial wants to become a place of active and constant research to contribute to the formation of a constructive debate on contemporary art and, above all, to better structure the next edition of the exhibition. Q-Rated, specifically, is divided into three… Find out more
Contest “Cadeau Lazio Diplomatico” for proposals to conceive a gift to be offered on the occasion of institutional visits
The Lazio Region, in the context of its internationalisation activities, is increasingly carrying out activities of external value. Within the framework of these initiatives, it is necessary to provide for gifts – significant for the cultural and territorial specificities of the region – that can be used on the occasion of institutional meetings. To this… Find out more

RUFA supports the project “Plastica d’a-mare”
The environment between art and recycling. This is the ultimate aim of the call that the organizers of the project “Plastics of love” have intended to address to those who work in the world of creativity, in order to generate a reflection on the invasive effects that synthetic materials generate on nature. “Plastica d’amare” is… Find out more

RUFA protagonist at Roma Europa Festival
The collaboration between RUFA and the Rome Europa Festival has always offered high profile artistic ideas over the years, based on the various segments included in the festival. In view of the next edition of the event, which between September and November will involve different places in the Capital, the interest of the students of… Find out more