Bring the knowledge learned during the lessons to the practical and operational level. It is in this context that the masterclasses by the Contrasto agency are focused. These are in-depth lessons that put the students of the third year of the course of Photography in front of those who are experts in this field, both… Find out more
Convergenze. Notargiacomo and the Spoleto GAM collection
Gianfranco Notargiacomo is an artist in many ways a precursor of uncodified languages, able to move from form to image, from structure to painting with the same skill and intelligence. Precisely for this reason he represented the solution to the knots opposed to each other, contrasting, intertwined: divergent and convergent at the same time. La… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
Agadez – Rosarno. Luoghi migranti allo specchio
Medu – Medici per i diritti umani presents the photographic exhibition ” Agadez – Rosarno. Luoghi migranti allo specchio” with photos by Olmo Calvo and Rocco Rorandelli, realized with the support of RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts. Agadez, a desert city, is today a fundamental junction of migration flows from West Africa to… Find out more
Street soccer on RUFA rooftops
We are pleased to announce the opening of RUFA Arena, the street soccer field located on the roof of Pastificio Cerere. The use of RUFA Arena is RESERVED exclusively to the entire academic community (professors, students, staff), for moments of sharing and recreation during the life in RUFA. RUFA Arena can be used, free of… Find out more
Presentation of the book CHICKAMAUGA by Davide Reviati
Monday, December 16, 2019 from 17.30 to 19.30, RUFA will host the presentation of the book “Chikamauga” by Davide Reviati (Else Edizioni, 2019), at RUFA – Pastificio cerere, via degli Ausoni 7, Rome – I piano, Aula Pittura. Between white, black and color, in an incessant rhythm and a material sign, visionary and realistic, Davide… Find out more
Multimedia Arts and Design
RUFA multimedia performances move to Rocca Sinibalda
Visual music returns to the castle of Rocca Sinibalda with the festival “Eye in the Mind #2”. Saturday, December 7, starting at 18, the medieval village in the province of Rieti and its castle will be the setting for a selection of music and projection mapping (projection on buildings and structures), with works by Italian… Find out more
The documentary dedicated to Alice Pasquini
A documentary to tell the inspirations and moods of one of the most appreciated street artists on the national and international scene: Alice Pasquini. The students of RUFA School of Cinema Martina Bonfiglio, Nicola Giampà, Francesco Castellaneta, Nicola Cera and Gianlorenzo Grassi, coordinated by the lecturer Christian Angeli, will make it. “Alice Pasquini- Figlia del… Find out more
Designing the brand: a design oriented vision – Photos and Video
On November 27th, RUFA hosted Elio Carmi for the talk “Designing the brand: a design oriented vision”. Relive the event and listen to the words of the top branding expert, co-founder of CarmieUrbertis.
Photography and Audiovisual
AIDS IS NOT DEAD – Photos and video
A participation that shows how interest in social issues is at the heart of the thoughts and actions of the new generations. Many students took part in the event “Aids is not dead” which took place at RUFA Pastificio Cerere, in the heart of the San Lorenzo district. On 1 December, in fact, the “WORLD… Find out more
A talk with Caterina Niccolai
Copyright in the audiovisual field is the theme of the talk to be held on Wednesday 11 December, from 10 am, in the Aula Magna, via Taro 14. The meeting, proposed and curated by the lecturer Elisabetta Villaggio, is addressed to all RUFA students and is particularly recommended for those who are called to deal… Find out more
Graphic design
StreeT-shirt experience
StreeT-shirt Experience is an exhibition, curated by Claudio Spuri, that recounts the unique experience of the T-Wall created for Miteeca Festival on October 10, 2015 within “Italianism” during the Outdoor Festival. In this case the exhibition is hosted at RUFA Space, in via degli Ausoni 7, in the heart of the San Lorenzo district. The… Find out more
Visual and Innovation Design
Tracks of Freedom 2020
Tracks of Freedom is back. For the third consecutive year, the doors of the SVA – School of Visual Arts in New York are reopened for Master‘s students, particularly for Visual and innovation design. An interchange project that sees the two cultural institutions interact for some time, comparing different training paths and methodologies that allow… Find out more
RUFA in campidoglio per il riutilizzo degli spazi ex CAE
This morning, November 28, 2019, in the Capitol were presented the 4 projects that dictate the lines of the next call for awards of Virginia Raggi, “Avanti con la rigenerazione del patrimonio capitolino. Futuro ex Città Altra Economia sarà espressione di creatività ed esigenze dei cittadini” for the reuse of the CAE spaces. Among the… Find out more
In RUFA you can experience “dialogical teaching” – Photos
It happens to everyone, at least once in their life, to be disappointed in a work of art that is illustrated and explained by an expert, but without dwelling on that detail, that detail in the image that, instead, had aroused interest and curiosity. It is in this scenario that the experience of “dialogical teaching”… Find out more
Rome will tears us apart – Photos and video
The Rome will tears us apart event was a success of participation, from the students to the lecturers, up to the Chinese international audience as guest of the Academy. Inspired by Charles Baudelaire and Walter Benjamin, a well-trained patrol of students, armed with digital cameras, led by three lecturers, Alessandro Carpentieri, Stefano Compagnucci and Raffaele… Find out more
Wall of Dolls
RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts has joined as a roman partner the World Day against Violence on Women. The event was a success of participation. The Wall of Dolls was set up by RUFA students and was a symbol of the youth’s commitment to the cause, along with the Toys exhibition and the… Find out more
Tuesday, November 26 Ceramiche Rometti in RUFA
RUFA Pastificio Cerere in via degli Ausoni 7 will host a delegation from the Ceramiche Rometti group, who will meet with third year design students as part of a lesson given by lecturer Meltem Eti Proto. It will be the right opportunity to present the Rometti 2020 Award and officially present the recognition received to… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
“AIDS IS NOT DEAD” RUFA, ContestaRockHair and LILA together for the campaign to raise awareness of the use of condoms
On December 1, appointment at the Cerere pasta factory for the photo call “Put your face on it” with over 100 young students The 1 December is the WORLD AIDS DAY, the World AIDS Day created in 1987 by UNAIDS, the United Nations Programme that every year produces and publishes an in-depth snapshot of the… Find out more
Fine Arts
China is close
China gest closer and closer to Italy, also from an artistic point of view. The relationship between the two countries is an ancient cultural relationship, marked by the famous journeys of Marco Polo and Matteo Ricci which is being strengthened further and further, as one can notice by the many Chinese students who decide to… Find out more
Fine Arts
Are you getting lost? The exhibition of Alberto Torzini
New appointment with “Solo Exhibition”: from 28 November to 2 December Alberto Torzini, RUFA student of Painting, will exhibit “Are you getting lost?” at the RUFA Space, in via degli Ausoni 7, in the heart of the San Lorenzo district in Rome. The artist’s work opens up to a dense reflection on the relationship between… Find out more