

RUFA, presented three projects on attitudes to networking in the cultural heritage sector

Three projects to generate networks and synergies. At the meeting room of Lazio Innova, a stone’s throw from the Coliseum, RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts students presented their ideas for creating networks among the companies that participated in RO.ME Exhibitions last November. The aim of the initiative, called “Sprint Safari”, is to relate the companies that have animated the stand of the Lazio Region, allowing operators in the cultural sector and art to perceive new ways of doing business.

The RUFA students formed three groups: “Altrove” (Elena Belli, Loris Cometa, Francesco Dori, Nicolò Santini Rossi), “Aprite quella porta” (Aurora Baiocchi, Sara Bonini, Eleonora Chicca, Carla De Gennaro), “Patrimonio creativo” (Luca Bruni, Edoardo De Maglie, Stefano Catino, Raffaello Borrelli).

The “Altrove” team presented an experience entitled “La Nova Bibliotheca Pompeiana”. The project includes an itinerant exhibition on the excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum, in virtual and augmented reality, which gives the opportunity to visit and relive the environment of the two Roman cities in any part of the world. The idea is to arrange a visit outside the archaeological sites, to stimulate visitors who can not afford intercontinental travel. In short, to transfer a “place” where the visitors are, and not the other way around.

The team “Aprite quella porta” focused its attention on the theme of enhancing the value of works of art kept in museum warehouses and not open to the public. The project consists in the realization of an interactive path of ten unpublished works. After a careful restoration, the same works will be exhibited in an event with an itinerary capable of meeting high standards of comfort and attention to the user.

The Creative Heritage team focused on the digitisation process. The digitization of archival heritage is no longer an option but a necessity: making historical documentation usable means making it survive. But often online is not enough: the content must be narrated, it is necessary to build stories to bring the public closer to the richness of this heritage. Art also becomes social.

Lazio Innova, in congratulating the students on their work, will send all the projects to the companies that took part in the expo, thus allowing the students themselves to be known and appreciated, perhaps opening up professional opportunities for all to discover.