On September 24th the exhibition UROBOROS was inaugurated at Rufa Space. The project is the result of an experience lived in Rome for 12 kilometres, from South to North. The neighborhoods crossed contain some of the historical and artistic features of the capital, preserved in the landscape and cultural heritage present. The route begins in… Find out more
September 2019

Student Camilla Gurgone’s work on display in Matera
Matera, capital of culture, welcomed the opening of the exhibition “Mediterranea – visioni di un mare antico e complesso”. It is an exhibition and reflective path set in the evocative setting of the National Archaeological Museum Ridola that will remain open to the public until next January 19. Among the artists who have created ad… Find out more

Alatri, contest dedicated to the short film
The high school Pietrobono of Alatri has announced the first edition of IF – Identity Film Festival Alatri reserved for short films of fiction, animation, video clips, documentaries, docufilms, lasting a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 minutes. The theme of the festival is identity in a changing world. To recognize oneself in… Find out more

Honorable Mention for ex-student RUFA Antony Pepe
From Italy to New York via RUFA. Antony Pepe, after graduating in our academy at the Bachelor course in Cinema, was awarded the “Honorable Mention 2019” by the International Photography Awards. It is one of the most prestigious worldwide awards in this very particular field. The shot that convinced the jury is called “Cava” and… Find out more

Graphic design
RUFA and the German Embassy on display at the Maxxi to celebrate the Bauhaus
Two cultures that intertwine, between lines and research in the artistic field, but not only. From 6 to 13 October, Germany tells its story to Italy: a total of twenty cities are involved, ready to host more than a hundred events, including concerts, exhibitions, shows, thematic meetings, educational moments dedicated to social life and entertainment,… Find out more

RUFA, the lecturer Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi in St. Petersburg
An intercultural bridge between Rome and St. Petersburg. A path made possible thanks to the activities of artistic enhancement that the Italian Consulate in Russia has already started some time ago. On October 16, RUFA lecturer Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi will go to the city founded by Tsar Peter the Great to discuss the relationship between… Find out more

RUFA hosts the final ceremony of the Erasmus+ week at the Liceo “Niccolò Machiavelli” in Rome
The internationalisation process of RUFA continues. After having made exchanges with European and non-European countries operative, thanks to the Erasmus+ circuit and the partnership signed with Aiesec, the Academy of Fine Arts legally recognized by the Miur continues its collaboration with the School of Visual Arts in New York, with the Delegation of the European… Find out more

RUFA is cultural partner of Wave Market
After its participation at the Salone del Mobile in Milan, RUFA Design School continues to show all its creativity. RUFA, in fact, is cultural partner of the project “Wave Market Fair” that will take place in the capital on October 5 and 6 at the PratiBus District, in viale Angelico 52. Wave Market is the… Find out more

Multimedia arts and design
Listen, Feel, See. On 24 September at the Pastificio Cerere
Autumn is the season of the senses. Listening and perceiving, seeing and sensing. A sound, a colour, an image. It is not by chance that it is in autumn that we harvest, that we harvest the best fruits of what has matured in summer. This is probably the reason why we start again in autumn…. Find out more
Cesare Zavattini’s new “Unarchive” award announcement is online
It was presented at the 76th Venice International Film Festival and is now on the website the new announcement of the Premio Cesare Zavattini: there is time until October 11 to register. The competition is aimed at young filmmakers, both professional and amateur, of any nationality, aged between 18 and 35 years, who are interested… Find out more

Graphic design
Francesco Poroli tells his story
On September 12th eight unpublished illustrations by Francesco Poroli were exhibited at India Estate, with the organization of Cosa Vedere a Roma and the sponsorship of RUFA and Page Service. On this occasion Francesco told us a little about his experience. How did you become an illustrator? What is your path? Actually I became an… Find out more
Open Day 14 september: photos and video
On 14 September, RUFA opened its doors to all future students. Relive the RUFA EXPERIENCE of the Open Day: an appointment to get in touch with lecturers, students and the organization of the Academy, as well as to visit the venues and discover the courses.

RUFA, here is the exhibition Uroboros of the students of the Master course of Multimedia arts and design – Virtual reality
Surprise and reflect. The students of the Master course in Multimedia arts and design are ready to perfectly interpret both elements in the context of the exhibition “Uroboros. Torna diverso”, scheduled from 24th September in the frame of the RUFA Space, in via degli Ausoni 7, in the iconic district of San Lorenzo. The project… Find out more

Graphic design
The calendar of Tipografare will be made by Francesco Paolo Incantalupo
With the “Stampa Sensoriale” project, Francesco Paolo Incantalupo took first place in the special list of works generated by the students of Graphic Design RUFA, led by the lecturer Claudia Iluzzi, for the creation of the calendar Tipografare 2020. The evaluation committee, made up of Emanuele Menconi and Roberto Bottiglieri, respectively director and contact person… Find out more

Multimedia arts and design
RUFA and Romaeuropa Festival, together between education and opportunities
A collaboration that, over the years, has been able to strengthen, turning into a project and offering artistic ideas of the highest profile. RUFA and Romaeuropa Festival continue their journey, with the aim of catalyzing the attention of the students of the Academy, professionals, public opinion and professionals of the creative industry. The Romaeuropa Festival,… Find out more

The XIII edition of “The 48 Hour Film Project”, the contest dedicated to film-makers, is starting.
All set for the most adrenaline-fuelled film festival there is. From 18 to 20 October Rome will host the XIII edition of the international competition “The 48 Hour Film Project”. Students, enthusiasts and professionals will commit to making a short film in just 48 hours. The particular event, supported and sponsored by RUFA, takes place… Find out more
NeoRural Futures – The event
On Friday 6 September, RUFA hosted the closing event of the NeoRural Futures workshop, which was held at the Academy from 2 to 6 September. At RUFA Space, in via degli Ausoni 7, in addition to the exhibit, there was a conference and a round table on the topic SpeculativeEdu. NeoRural Futures is perfectly in… Find out more

Venice, special mention for Beatrice Baldacci at the Biennale
A Biennale to remember and a first step that excites. Alumni RUFA student Beatrice Baldacci, thanks to the direction of the film “Supereroi senza Superpoteri”, received the special mention FEDIC (Federazione italiana dei Cineclub) for the best short film. The award in question was presented in the evocative setting of the Hotel Excelsior on the… Find out more

The routes of the Mediterranean
The routes of the Mediterranean A work that involves the whole of the Mediterranean, a symbolic place of a historical period that in recent years has marked the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and has sparked strong discussions both nationally and internationally, involving and overwhelming the already precarious and complex European political situation…. Find out more

Montecatini Terme, on October 21 there is the pitching “The Authors Day”
From 21 to 25 October, the 70th edition of the International Short Film Festival will take place in Montecatini Terme (Pt). This is the oldest industry event in Italy, considering that it was founded in 1949, just after the Mostra di Venezia. Over the years the contest has seen the participation of artists and works… Find out more