
Graphic design

Call launched to participate in “An Atlas of the rocky landscape”, between Matera and Montescaglioso

Call launched to participate in “An Atlas of the rocky landscape”, between Matera and Montescaglioso
The project “Un atlante del paesaggio rupestre” is part of the program of artistic residencies promoted by “Matera Capitale Europea della Cultura 2019”, realized by Arci Basilicata and funded by the Fondazione Matera-Basilicata 2019.

Through the international call open until July 21, launched in collaboration with Arci Nazionale and BJCEM – Biennale dei Giovani Artisti del Mediterraneo, will be selected three artists under 35 active in the field of drawing, graphics and illustration that will be hosted in Montescaglioso from September 23 to October 13 with the aim of building, through a wealth of suggestions, stories and historical or imaginary narratives, a small atlas of the rock landscape that separates Matera from Montescaglioso.

The residence will be an opportunity to activate an illustration workshop with a group of asylum seekers and refugees accepted at the SPRAR reception projects managed by Arci Basilicata. The collection of stories and images, fantasies and fairy tales of oral narrative, will compose the background for the creation of a small atlas, a recognition of stones, stories, hidden legends.

The activities on the territory will be carried out in collaboration with CooperAttiva di Montescaglioso and the call will be spread in collaboration with Librimmaginari, festival of drawing and illustration. The final results of the residence will be the subject of a final exhibition and a collective editorial project created ad hoc by the artists.

More information can be found at Arci and bjcem.