

Multimedia arts and design

Call for International Summer School open

RUFA is the academic partner for the realization of “NeoRural Futures. Speculative design for rurality in global scenarios”, the summer school of SpeculativeEdu, an educational project funded by ERASMUS+, the European Union programme for education, training, youth, and sport, with the aim of strengthening speculative design education by collecting and exchanging existing knowledge and experience whilst developing new methods in the field of speculative design.

With the coordination of HER – Human Ecosystems Relazioni, RUFA will host the workshop NeoRural Futures from 2 to 6 September at RUFA – Pastificio Cerere.

Who are neo-rurals? How do they live? How are people starting to move from cities to rural areas and viceversa? How are these phenomena related? With what effects? How is all of this changing together with technological scenarios (such as AIs, big data, IoT) and global phenomena (such as climate change, migrations, and the transformation of cities)?

During the workshop we will address these questions by using the approaches of speculative design, design fiction, near future design e critical design, and possible and preferable futures for rurality will be created, narrating them through the objects and processes of our future life.

WHAT An intensive 5 days workshop about speculative design practices, applied to the future of rurality.
WHEN 2-6 September 2019.
WHERE Rome (Italia) – RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts – Pastificio Cerere – Via degli Ausoni 7

35 participants, 3 coordinators, 5 tutors, a beautiful location in the heart of Rome, a final exhibit to celebrate and expose the results of the workshop, a cultural program with meetings, events and conferences

For RUFA students, of all courses, 5 places are reserved and 2 credits will be recognized by the Academy. We recommend the workshop to students of the last year of the BA course and those attending the MA course.

To be selected and partecipate to the workshop you must be apply to the form until 15 July.

The selection process will be based on interests, experience, curricula, attitude as well as on skills and competences.