


Photography and Audiovisual

Multimedia arts and design


Sculpture and Installations

RUFA patronizes the 2019/2010 edition of the “Premio Internazionale Arte Laguna”

RUFA and the association MoCA, promoter and organizer of the “Premio Internazionale Arte Laguna”, now in its fourteenth edition, are renewing their collaboration. Specifically, it is an international competition that embraces multiple expressions of the arts: painting, sculpture and installation, photographic art, video art, performance, virtual art, land art, urban art, design. An event that is aimed at artists from all over the world, recognizing their equal opportunities, not setting any limit in terms of age, gender, nationality, theme.
The competition, founded in 2006, offers an important opportunity for visibility and professional growth, creating an exhibition with free admission that allows visitors to see in one place works from over 40 different countries.
A jury of high-profile professionals, not only Italians, but also foreigners, selects the works of the finalists that are exposed during the important collective exhibition held at the Venice Arsenal between March and April, involving an audience of about 10 thousand visitors from around the world.

The recently concluded edition has registered a jury composed of important names of the art – system: Igor Zanti (Italy, curator and art critic), Vasili Tsereteli (Russia, Executive Director of Moscow Museum of Modern Art), Maxa Zoller (Germany, independent curator and art critic), Filippo Andreatta (Italy, theatre director and co-curator of Centrale Fies), Enrico Stefanelli (Italy, artistic director of Photolux Festival), Simone Pallotta (Italy, curator of public and urban art), Richard Noyce (Great Britain, writer and art critic), Flavio Arensi (Italy, journalist and art critic), Eva González-Sancho (Norway, co-curator of the first Oslo Biennial), Alfonso Femia (Italy, architect), Alessandra Tiddia (Italy, Mart Curator of Rovereto), Danilo Premoli (Italy, architect and designer), Mattias Givell (Sweden, Co-director of Wanås Konst).

In addition to the cash prizes of €7,000 for each of the sections in competition, important projects for artists have been realized, including residencies and exhibitions throughout Europe.
For information and to join the project, please visit You can also refer to the email address