Everything is ready for the second edition of “Walk the global walk”: the “competition” for video-making experts. This is an international project, supported by the European Commission, which involves, for Italy, the Region of Tuscany and Oxfam Intercultura. The primary objective is to promote awareness and interest in sustainable development issues related to “global goals”,… Find out more
June 2019
From theory to practice while walking in the eternal city
The journey continues in the footprints that contemporaneity leaves in Rome. RUFA lecturer Gian Luca Gentili has re-proposed, with a new itinerary and above all with new meetings, his “en plein air” lessons to rediscover the modernity expressed by the Capital in design and architecture. Specifically, it is an itinerary that tries to translate the… Find out more
RUFA patronizes the 2019/2010 edition of the “Premio Internazionale Arte Laguna”
RUFA and the association MoCA, promoter and organizer of the “Premio Internazionale Arte Laguna”, now in its fourteenth edition, are renewing their collaboration. Specifically, it is an international competition that embraces multiple expressions of the arts: painting, sculpture and installation, photographic art, video art, performance, virtual art, land art, urban art, design. An event that… Find out more
Fashion and design as integration factors – Call for participation in participatory laboratory
A project to bring the world of image and the world of fashion together in a unified manner. It is in this assumption that “B&W – Black & White, The Migrant Trend” is outlined. An experience that comes from observing the creative and unique style of the migrant people. A style that, while finding personal… Find out more
If, as Fredric Jameson says, postmodernism is the time in which we passed from the alienated subject to the fragmented one – the collapse of the depth of the modern unconscious that determined a large part of Western culture – how can we interpret the self-portrait today? What does it mean to represent oneself when… Find out more
Here is the Erasmus+ call for applications to work abroad
Until 6 September it is possible to apply for an internship or placement in a European country. Registration is open for Erasmus+, the international program that allows students or recent graduates to access an internship or placement (training through work), autonomous and funded, to be carried out in foreign companies or enterprises, during which to… Find out more
RUFA supports fundraising for the cultural reconstruction of Amatrice
It will be held Saturday, June 22, starting at 3 pm, at the headquarters of the cultural association “Artemusica – Scuola di musica Artidee”, located in Via Andrea del Castagno 196 in Rome, an event entitled “Arte per Amatrice”. The aim is to raise funds to be allocated to the City of Amatrice. The kermesse… Find out more
Gli studenti RUFA in visita ad Ivrea
Not only a factory, but also and above all a dream: before we talked about Silicon Valley or the big multinationals that have then marked the flow of the technological market. A delegation of RUFA lecturers, composed of Ely Rozenberg, Emanuele Cappelli, Floriana Cannatelli, Guglielmo Lisi, Giorgio Marcatili and Emanuele Tarducci took part in the… Find out more
RUFA Contest 2019: The Divine Aesthetic leaves its mark
RUFA Contest 2019: an emotional interweaving of art, contemporaneity and thought. An intense and complex experience, but for this reason even more fascinating. An edition full of enthusiasm that has been able to focus on the key elements of the educational mission of an Academy: research, production and artistic promotion, all declining the kaleidoscopic forms… Find out more
“Solo Exhibition” Friday, June 14 the project of Giselle Cantonetti
“Yesterday’s memory happens today.” This is the theme of the exhibition curated by Giselle Cantonetti and it is included in the project “Solo Exhibition”: a plan generated by the lecturers of Visual arts RUFA courses to make students experienced with an exhibition path. The experience of Giselle Cantonetti, located at RUFA Space in via degli… Find out more
RUFA CONTEST 2019: i vincitori
The presence of man on Earth is intended to leave a mark. It is in this vision, conceived by the creator and artistic director Emanuele Cappelli, that RUFA Contest 2019, in the exceptional setting of the Brancaccio Theatre, was celebrated, allowing the triumph of the Divine Aesthetics, the main theme of the event. The aim… Find out more
RUFA Contest 2019, David LaChapelle will crown the winner
It was Andy Warhol who offered David LaChapelle his first professional assignment as a photographer for “Interview Magazine”. From that moment on, it was a constant progression of covers, services and magazines. The first book, entitled “LaChapelle Land”, allowed the world to discover the iconic, pop and surreal style of one of the contemporary masters… Find out more