The eleventh edition of the international “Biennale dell’incisione” award takes place in the city of Monsummano Terme, in the province of Pistoia. RUFA students can participate in at least one course of engraving techniques. In particular, the following techniques are allowed: chalcography (etching, aquatint, drypoint, burin, soft paint, black manner, etc..), xylography and lithography. The following are excluded: silk-screen printing, offset printing and all other photo-mechanical printing processes.
Each candidate may submit two works, of which at least one must be unpublished. The size of the sheet must not exceed 70×100 cm.
The prize awarded to the winner is of 2 thousand euros. The artist who wins the first place transfers the rights of reproduction of the winning work (unique and unrepeatable in 5 copies). The print run will be carried out by the artist at his own expense.
The selected works will be exhibited at the Mac,n – Museo di arte contemporanea e del Novecento di Monsummano Terme, from November 16 of 2019 to March 15 of 2020. The catalogue of the works on display will be published by the Comune di Monsummano Terme.
For registration and delivery of works: Reference email