The students Giulia Faccipiponte and Alessandra Ciocca, with the coordination of teachers Alessandra Giacomelli and Claudio Spuri within the course of Graphic Design, have completed the creative campaign in support of the activities of Aipd, the Italian Association of Down People. Founded in 1979, thanks to the courage of a small group of families who believed in the potential of their children, the organ now has 51 offices throughout Italy. Since those years, the operational vision has never changed: Aipd invests with the same commitment on people with Down Syndrome, helping them to become autonomous and actively insert themselves in society.
The support of RUFA, from this point of view, is in continuity with the action of the association. There is still a need to invest in those who have the right to love, to work, to become great, in the awareness that the difference, from this point of view, is made by looking for it, together. For the two students it was not only a matter of giving shape and substance to a moment of training: the experience allowed them to come into contact with a different and, at the same time, exciting cognitive plan. The graphic project realized is a perfect synthesis of this path. To get in touch with the association: