
On view the film by RUFA professor Alessandro Marinelli

As part of the exhibition “Racconti dal vero”, realized with the support of SIAE, will be presented Thursday, January 17 at 9 p.m., at the aggregative center Apollo 11 in Via Bixio 80/A in Rome, the film by Alessandro Marinelli “Basileus”.
Finalist at the “International Documentary Competition” and at the 46th edition of the “Giffoni Film Festival”, “Basileus – La scuola dei re” is set in the “Federico Fellini” institute in the San Basilio district in Rome. The film tells the training paths of a group of adolescents and what it means to be a teacher in not simple contexts, such as suburban schools. It is a journey into class life that shows a world incredibly dense to discover, exuding the vitality typical of adolescence, hopes, dreams, but also full of difficulties, fears and uncertainty about the future. It is a documentary aimed at teachers and students: the first are committed to educating, inventing methods, tools and actions; the second aim is to represent themselves in a mosaic of fragments of lived life, often instinctive and grammatically incorrect but always incredibly vital.
At the end of the screening the director and RUFA lecturer Alessandro Marinelli and professor Marco Maugeri will meet the audience for an exchange of opinions and an in-depth examination of the film’s themes.