Open Spine: independent publishing as a creative workshop. On this theme there was a comparison between photographer Michela and RUFA students. An analysis on the realization of independent editions, an artistic practice aimed at creating new processes of diffusion and fruition of photographic work through self-publishing. Here is the photo/video story of the talk.
January 2019
RUFA Pastificio Cerere, in the project “Solo Exihibition” the exhibition “Humanity Not Found”.
Understand and follow the steps that arise from the impulse, that turns into an idea, that changes into matter, that becomes a work of art. To give it a sense that allows it to be enjoyed by the viewer, to place it. Make the choices of the professional, in contact with the real path to… Find out more
La Musica Attuale: here are the photos and video of the first meeting.
Between art and music, to restore the “live” to its original function: to enter into symbiosis with the emotions of a song. This is the first meeting to talk about “Musica Attuale” with Francesco Facchinetti and Matteo Ieva of the band LE ORE. Here are the images in the post-industrial scenario of the Semoleria, inside… Find out more
Graphic design
RUFA: meeting with the writer Federico Pace
“Controvento”: to look for new solutions, to escape from normality or, more simply, to feel free, in tune with your soul. But “Controvento” is also the title of the last book by Federico Pace that on Wednesday 30th January at 5.30 p.m., in the unified classrooms of via Lariana 8, will be present in RUFA…. Find out more
Visual and Innovation Design
RUFA: “Tracks of freedom”, the second edition
A project aimed at training, in the sense of globality. About a year after the first edition, the doors of the School of Visual Arts in New York reopen for RUFA students, in order to give shape and substance to an “exchange experience” that perfectly reflects the search for contemporaneity inherent in the operational mission… Find out more
CIANS, co/workshop at the Macro in Rome on January 29 with Minister Alberto Bonisoli
It will be held Tuesday, January 29, starting at 10 am, at the Macro Museum of Rome (Via Nizza 138), the co/workshop organized by the Coordination of Non-State Afam Institutions to take stock of the system of high artistic, musical and choreutic training in Italy. The structural and organizational union between conference and workshop, undertaken… Find out more
RUFA Open day: Saturday 30 March 2019
RUFA Open day: positive energy that turns into training. Saturday, March 30, the Rome University of Fine Arts opens the doors of its offices to high school students, undergraduates and those who intend to continue their training in the path of specialization. But that’s not all: the event represents the right opportunity to generate positive… Find out more
On view the film by RUFA professor Alessandro Marinelli
As part of the exhibition “Racconti dal vero”, realized with the support of SIAE, will be presented Thursday, January 17 at 9 p.m., at the aggregative center Apollo 11 in Via Bixio 80/A in Rome, the film by Alessandro Marinelli “Basileus”. Finalist at the “International Documentary Competition” and at the 46th edition of the “Giffoni… Find out more
Here comes the third edition of the Olivetti Design Contest
To the first classified a prize of 2 thousand euros. Olivetti promotes the third edition of Olivetti Design Contest, the industrial design initiative for students of some of the most prestigious Italian and European institutions, including Rufa. Following the success of the previous editions, the Olivetti Design Contest renews in 2018 the tradition of great… Find out more
RUFA Contest, the theme of the 2019 edition is “The Divine Aesthetics”.
RUFA Contest, the theme of the 2019 edition is ” Divina Aesthetics” The announcement for the 2019 edition of the RUFA Contest has been published . As usual, it aims to enhance and support the talent of RUFA students. For the Academy , legally recognized by the Miur, an important year has just begun: in… Find out more