Yesterday we took a trip into the world of paper and its packaging applications thanks to the experience of Silvia Nicolais from Arjowiggins Creative Papers and Barbara Rocchi from Tiburtini Carattere Tipografico.

Yesterday we took a trip into the world of paper and its packaging applications thanks to the experience of Silvia Nicolais from Arjowiggins Creative Papers and Barbara Rocchi from Tiburtini Carattere Tipografico.
Irma Boom, one of the most authoritative graphic designers in the world, who has profoundly renewed the art of conceiving and produce books and publishing graphics, will meet Aiap members, professionals and students of visual communication design. For the occasion, he will present a sample of his most recent publishing production. A great opportunity for… Find out more
Here are the names of the 11 students who will have the opportunity to spend 10 days in New York for the Tracks of Freedom project. The delegation of students accompanied by Professors Mario Rullo, Emanuele Cappelli and Director Fabio Mongelli, will live a highly formative experience in collaboration with SVA – School of Visual… Find out more
Registrations are open for the second session of RUFA workshops for the academic year 2017/2018, which will take place from Monday 5 to Saturday 10 March. Another learning opportunity for students, who will have the opportunity to deepen the theory and practice of their creative environment, working alongside great experts and accredited professionals. Due to… Find out more
The Erasmus announcement is back. From today you can apply for an exciting study abroad experience for the academic year 2018/19, in one of the universities included in the program. There are all the most interesting European cities in terms of research in the field of Fine Arts, Design and Media Arts. You are spoilt… Find out more
Apollo 30 is a temporary section of Italianism, developed in collaboration with RUFA. The thirty students enrolled in the lessons of “Visual and Media Culture” held by Renato Fontana (2nd level academic course) scour the web over the week to understand and experiment as “see better” in the vast universe of images and themes available… Find out more
Today starts the contest for artists, designers, illustrators and students supported by RomaID, Mercato Centrale Roma and Rufa. TERMINIDIDENTITÀ: LA STAZIONE TERMINI ILLUSTRATA COME UN’OPERA D’ARTE For 155 years, Termini Station has been welcoming the citizens of the world to the Eternal City. Millions of people, each with its own history, identity, dreams, the desire… Find out more
We hosted Riccardo Mannelli for the third talk of this academic year. He is a historical pencil of drawing, portraiture and satire in Italy. The richness of his intervention left the audience enchanted and intrigued. Here the story with photos and videos.
Four milestones waiting ARF! Festival RUFA is proud to present the Masterclass cycle in collaboration with ARF! the Comics Festival of Rome. A cycle of 4 meetings/lessons with some of the most important comic strip artists and authors of the Italian scene. Four unmissable appointments, dedicated to those who want to discover the secrets of… Find out more
To all RUFA staff: the Erasmus+ a.a.2017 – 2018 call for proposals for the mobility of teachers and administrative staff has been published. Below is the list of the headquarters of Rufa Partner Institutions: For the application for mobility for teaching or administrative staff, you must submit: – the completed and signed application form… Find out more
If illustration was used for the propaganda of fascist racial laws, which trampled on the rights of Italian Jews, today it is the same illustration that draws a warning to the new generations. Cartoons on The Bay, the international festival of cross-media animation and children’s TV, organized by RAI, launches a Contest for young students… Find out more