
Czaschka: the immortality of art

The beauty of things and the aesthetic sense of the world have been values at the basis of the life and thought of Jürgen Czaschka, master of graphic art.

The artist Jürgen Czaschka (Vienna 1944) is the man who combines intellectual rigor with a warm and ironic humanitas, and his burins on copper – of which he is a recognized and undisputed master – seem to be nothing more than the epiphany of a philosophical path based on an unshakeable civic sense, the result of a totally secular morality.

Jürgen Czaschka is the giant who tamed a forest of signs, bending them to an order of art, civil history, and the personal history of a righteous love, illuminated and warmed by Renate’s flame.

It was with dramatic awareness of himself and his art that in 2002 he decided to suspend his career as a chalcographer and donate the entire corpus of engravings (including plates) to the Prints Cabinet of Bagnacavallo.

The series of nineteen engravings that he made for Don Giovanni in 1989, exhibited at the Fondazione Tito Balestra, are one of the items of his artistic career.

In 2016 Jürgen founded the Renate Herold Czaschka Foundation dedicated to art graphics and the artist’s book, which supports the growth of students, including RUFA students, offering them the possibility of an artist residency.