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The Erasmus+ Programme

Promoters of cultural exchanges.

Erasmus + (2021-2027) is the new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport, which allows a student to benefit from one or more scholarships at an Erasmus European University within the same study cycle for a maximum of 12 months. The programme encourages learning and understanding the culture of the host Country, fostering a sense of integration among students from different countries.

The European educational exchange for students, lecturers and staff, characterizes the education at RUFA since it has participated in the Erasmus Programme from the academic year 2011-2012.

Currently the University Partners are located in: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Hungary.

Rufa Carta Erasmus+ 2014 – 2020Rufa Carta Erasmus+ 2021 – 2027Erasmus Policy Statement 2014 – 2020Erasmus Policy Statement 2021 – 2027Presentazione bando Erasmus+ STUDIO 2024/2025PRESENTATION OF ERASMUS+ CALL A.Y. 2024/2025BANDO ERASMUS TIROCINIO/PLACEMENT A.A. 2024/2026ERASMUS + TRAINEESHIP/PLACEMENT CALL A.Y. 2024/2026BANDO ERASMUS+ STUDIO A.A. 2024/2025CALL FOR GRANTS (MOBILITY FOR STUDIES) A.Y. 2024/2025BANDO ERASMUS+ STAFF A.A. 2023/2024Guida ai corsi RUFA 2023/2024 (eng)Graduatoria Erasmus+ tirocinio/placement A.A. 2023/2025

All information relating to the documents to be submitted at the time of the application at the Erasmus Office are indicated in the Erasmus + A.A. Mobility Call 2024/2025. At the following links you can view the student privacy policy and the teachers and staff privacy policy

At the following link it is possible to read the privacy policy document for international students.

List of documents to be presented by outgoing students:

Domanda Borsa di Studio Mobilità Studenti (all.I)

Outgoing Erasmus+study mobility application (all.I) (eng)

Cv italiano

English cv

Domanda di mobilità Erasmus+ tirocinio/placement

Outgoing Erasmus+traineeship/placement mobility application

– Personal motivation letter (max. 3 Institutions);
– A screenshot of the reserved Unirufa.point area including credits, exams passed and weighted average;
– Digital PORTFOLIO to be sent by
– Self-declaration indicating the date and signed or official certificate (if requested by the Partner Institution) confirming the student’s knowledge of the language of the host Country or of English.

Nomination deadline
1st semester: 15th April 2024
2nd semester: 15th October 2024

Deadlines for incoming student candidacies
1st semester: 17th May 2024
2nd semester: 15th November 2024

Semester terms
1st semester: mid October 2024 – end of February 2025
2nd semester: mid March 2025 – mid July 2025


Only nominations by partner Institutions will be processed.

List of documents to be presented by incoming students

Application form Academic Year 2024-2025
Curriculum vitae EN

• Motivational letter
• Portfolio (to be sent by
• Student’s study plan at the Home Institution
• 2 passport size photographs

Dr Giulia Mencarelli
Address: Via Taro 14 – 00199, Rome – Italy
Phone: +39 06 99345487
Skype Me!