

Sensitive to talent.



Grant for Italian and international students

Bachelor of Arts programmes
For the 2024/2025 academic year, RUFA is granting 21 scholarships for the Rome campus and 4 scholarships for the Milan campus to Italian and international students who are enrolling in the first year of the Bachelor of Arts programmes in Painting, Sculpture and Installations, Set Design, Cinema, Design, Sustainable Fashion Design, Photography and Audiovisual, Graphic Design, GD-Comics and illustration, Multimedia and Game Art. The scholarship is worth € 2,500.00, which will be directly deducted from the tuition of each of the three years which correspond to the legal duration of the courses, if the student achieves the credits and passes the exams required by the study programme.

Master of Arts programmes
For the 2024/2025 academic year, RUFA is granting 10 scholarships to Italian and international students who are enrolling in the first year of the Master of Arts programmes in Visual and innovation design, Multimedia arts and design, Computer animation and visual effects, Fine arts: Painting, Sculpture and Printmaking; Film Arts.
The scholarship is worth € 2,500.00, which will be directly deducted from the tuition of each of the two years which correspond to the legal duration of the courses. For the second year, the scholarship will be renewed only if the student achieves the credits and passes the exams required by the study plan.

For Bachelor of Arts programmes, grants are assigned through rankings in ascending order of income on the basis of the ISEE; the only criteria on which the rankings are based is therefore the economic means. For participation in the competition, the limit on income and assets for the year 2024 is: ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) € 40,000.00. For the Master of Arts courses, the scholarships are assigned on the basis of merit: during the motivational interview to be admitted to the Academy a commission composed of 3 lecturers of subjects related to the Master of Arts evaluate the candidates for scholarship purposes. The commission expresses itself collectively on the consistency of the educational path (qualification possessed), the graduation grade / academic diploma, the analysis of the thesis / portfolio and on the overall outcome of the interview itself.

Students enrolled in years following the first, notwithstanding the requirement related to the economic means for the Bachelor of Arts programmes, have their scholarship confirmed based on the credits acquired in previous years within the deadlines set by the call for applications.
Bachelor of Arts programmes> 2nd year of studies = 40 credits
Bachelor of Arts programmes> 3rd year of studies = 95 credits
Master of Arts programmes> 2nd year of studies = 40 credits

Deadline for the call: 9th JUNE 2024


For the purposes of the competition, students with the right to DIRECT IMMATRICULATION must be enrolled at the Academy no later than 27th JUNE 2024.


Call for applications for 1st level scholarships – JUNE

Provisional ranking – 1st level scholarships – JUNE

Call for applications for 2nd level scholarships – JUNE

Provisional ranking – 2st level scholarships – JUNE


Grant only for international students

RUFA offers:


  • 1 renewable full scholarship that covers 100% of the tuition fee (except for the enrollment fee of € 1200 and the DiSCo Lazio regional tax of € 140,00 and the degree tax).

  • 1 renewable scholarship to partially cover the tuition fee: for the 2nd in the ranking worth € 3000 reduction

The scholarships are intended for international students (EU and non-EU citizens) who are beginning a BA or MA programmes. The scholarships are awarded each year to the students who have submitted the best portfolios for the BA and MA programmes and who have excelled at their admission exam. The winners are selected by academic committees. For the years following the first, the scholarship will be renewed only after achieving the credits and passing the exams required by the study plan. The scholarships for international students cannot be combined with any other scholarships or reductions offered by RUFA.

To participate in the selection process applicants must submit the scholarship application form and attach their portfolio (PORTFOLIO REQUIREMENTS) and a letter of intent. Applicants must book their admission exam at the same time. At the end of the admission exam session, the scholarships will be awarded.

Students who have submitted the portfolio but have not sat the admission exam in the session indicated above will not be considered eligible for a scholarship.

NB. It is possible to submit your application for RUFA scholarships only once: candidates from the April session will therefore not be able to participate in similar calls subsequently announced by the Academy for the academic year. 2024/25.

The deadline of the scholarship procedures is the same as the admission exams:
– June session: deadline to book the test and complete the portfolio procedure (June 9, 2024);

Third selection ranking – JUNE SESSION

Portfolio RequirementsScholarship Renewal Requirements

Submit a portfolio (Portfolio Guidelines) through the scholarship application form with, at least, ten digital images. The portfolio must be attached to the scholarship application form.

  • The portfolio must be saved as a PDF file.

  • The size of the portfolio should not exceed 15 megabytes.

  • The portfolio must include a list with the following information for each image: image number, title, medium, dimensions (Height x Width or Height x Width x Depth).

Moreover, candidates applying for the BA in Cinema and to the MA in Film Arts can send us a short film by email to or by inserting the link to their Portfolio or motivational letter.

After reading the portfolio requirements page if you have any questions regarding this process, please feel free to contact us at:

Applicants can include a link to the candidate’s own artistic works website in their letter of intent. The Academy’s commission will review the portfolios. The assessment is based on the quality, originality, creativity, technical competence and presentation of the portfolios and the admission exam.

The scholarship is awarded for the first year and must be confirmed each year for the legal duration of the course. For the first year the scholarship is awarded on the basis of the portfolio and the admission exam, whereas for the following years the renewal is subject to a review of specific requirements.

Students must achieve at least the following Academic credits and average grade:

  • Bachelor of Arts (BA) > 2nd year of the Course = 40 Credits (by the end of the autumn exam session). Average grade 27/30.

  • Bachelor of Arts (BA) > 3rd year of the Course = 85 Credits (by the end of the autumn exam session). Average grade 27/30.

  • Master of Arts (MA) > 2nd year of the Course = 40 Credits (by the end of the autumn exam session). Average grade 27/30.


Academic Masters

Grant for Italian and international students

For each Academic Master RUFA offers n. 2 scholarships to Italian and international students enrolling in any Academic Master’s programme.
For each Academic master RUFA offers 1 scholarship covering 50% and 1 scolarship covering 30% of the attendance fee, which will be directly deducted from the tuition fee. The Master’s scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic and artistic merit.
An expert committee will evaluate the candidates for the scholarship considering the strength and consistency of the academic profile, the examination of the thesis, portfolio, projects shared by the applicant and the outcome of the interview, if any.

</p> <p><strong>Visit this section to keep an eye on the release of new scholarship calls.</strong></p> <p>



Request more information about all Scholarships


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) offers grants for foreign citizens not residing in Italy and Italian citizens living abroad (IRE) in order to foster international cultural, scientific and technological cooperation, to promote Italian language and culture and to support Italy’s economic system in the world (According to Law 288/55 and its subsequent changes and additions).

Grants are offered for study, training, and/or research programmes at Italian Higher Education Institutions, both public and legally recognized ones.
Study in Italy Website

Right to Study: LazioDisco Scholarships.
In accordance with the provisions set out in the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 9 April 2001, students at the Rome University of Fine Arts compete for the allocation of scholarships and services provided by the Right to University Study. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit and income by the Agenzia per il Diritto agli Studi Universitari nel Lazio (LazioDisco territoriale “La Sapienza” di Roma).
The annual call for applications for scholarships sets out the criteria for participation. See the website of the Agenzia per il Diritto agli Studi Universitari nel Lazio.

Norms on the right to university studies: Law no. 390 of 2 December 1991, published in G.U. no. 291 of 12 December 1991.